Wrinkle Fighting, Skin Tightening Smoothie

wrinkle fighting skin tightening smoothie

What Kind of Smoothie is Good for Your Skin?

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Wrinkle Fighting, Skin Tightening Smoothie. As we all know, good health starts from the inside. And this holds especially true when it comes to your skin and complexion. Eat the right foods and drink the right drinks, and you’ll notice a significant improvement in your skin within weeks or even days.

wrinkle fighting skin tightening smoothie

So where to begin? Let’s start with a smoothie !! All it takes is this Wrinkle Fighting Skin Tightening Smoothie as it has all the right nutrients to fight any wrinkles you may have and helps prevent future ones. It’s super delicious, easy breezy to make, and most importantly – is nutrient dense. Which is perfect for aiding in cell repair.

Grab the ingredients below and whip this one up today. Guaranteed you’ll love it. Cheers and bottoms up 🙂

If you need to stock up on some COLLAGEN PEPTIDES, I recommend the Garden of Life brand. It’s great for your hair, skin, nails, and joints. Simply click the link here or the photo at the bottom of the page. There you’ll also find my favorite COCONUT OIL and MCT OIL

Check out how easy it is to make this yummy smoothie. It’s all in this 43-second video. Sit back and dig the music too 🙂

Wrinkle Fighting, Skin Tightening Smoothie Recipe

Wrinkle Fighting, Skin Tightening Smoothie Recipe
makes (1) 12oz glass

1/2 Avocado
1 whole Banana
1 c Spinach
1 c frozen Berries (i used Blueberries)
1-2 tsp Coconut Oil
1 tsp Turmeric
1 scoop Collagen Powder
pinch of Sea Salt
1 c Coconut or Almond Milk

Combine all ingredients in a blender until smooth. Add ice for your desired smoothie consistency.

Let me know what you think.  Are you looking for other delicious smoothie recipes?  Visit our SMOOTHIE & JUICING page for more delicious blends.  Ciao 🙂

wrinkle fighting skin tightening smoothie

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