Why Is It So Hard For Me To Lose Weight?
There are five reasons why it’s so hard to lose weight, but reason #5 should be your main focus especially if you have an ENDOMORPH BODY TYPE and weight loss has been a struggle.
- You’re only counting calories
- You’re not drinking enough water
- You’re not getting enough sleep
- Your hormones have changed
- You’re not dieting correctly
So let’s focus on reason #5 – YOU’RE NOT DIETING CORRECTLY.
If you’re like me and fall into the Endomorph body type (click here for an explanation), the diet you should be following is the Metabolic Confusion Diet – or in simple terms … CARB CYCLING. The science behind carb cycling makes total sense – eat high carb meals on one day, switch to low carb meals the next, and then repeat. This enables you to better utilize fat for burning as fuel, rather than burning carbs and muscle tissue for fuel. Here’s a detailed explanation of carb cycling.
So check it – if you’re one who’s basically tried every diet out there and STILL CAN’T LOSE THE WEIGHT AND/OR KEEP IT OFF … give this CARB CYCLE DIET a shot. I’m going to – so do it with me. I’m starting on Sunday 9/15/19 with my beginning weight being 140 lbs. And so I ask what’s standing in your way? What have you got to lose? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING BUT THE EXTRA POUNDS !!
Click on the links below for a full menu for the week. The meals are there, it’s all planned out for you. Simply hit the meal for the recipe. Best wishes 🙂