Why Going To The Doctor Gives You Anxiety

Feeling Anxious About Seeing the Doctor? 3 Tips that Might Help
But you are not alone – 3 percent of the population has a fear of doctors. And that fear comes from what the doctor is going to find – a fear there is something seriously wrong.
Why Going to the Doctor Gives You Anxiety
3 Tips that Might Help
So how do you manage that fear?
Preventative Care
FIRST of all – remind yourself that PREVENTATIVE CARE IS THE BEST CARE. Your doctor is there to diagnose, to give you a name for what ails you, and to help treat, reduce pain and any discomfort you may have. It seriously is best to know what you have than to stress yourself out about not knowing as STRESS CAN MAKE YOU SICK.
Yearly Checkups
SECOND – yearly checkups. This is something I myself need to get a grip on, especially since I am up there in age. It all comes back to preventative care – these yearly exams are vital since they help you avoid illness and can help lessen the severity of any pre-existing conditions.
Doctors Are Your Friends
THIRD – just keep reminding yourself that your doctor is there for you – he/she is on your side. Doctors ARE NOT THERE to rip you off, or treat you as a number, or are in the pocket of big pharma. Just be honest with them about your health issues and be straight forward about any symptoms and FEARS you may have – THEY HAVE TAKEN AN OATH TO HELP YOU … AND THEY WILL.
So don’t be afraid. Make that call if you have an ailment that needs attention. It may not be as bad as you’ve self-diagnosed.

And now it’s my turn. I’ve got my doctors appointment this morning regarding my breast issue. Yes I’m scared, yes I’m getting nervous, yes I’m stressing …. BUT I’M STILL GOING. I HAVE FAITH AND KNOW THAT WHATEVER IS LAID OUT IN FRONT OF ME – IT’S ALL IN GODS HANDS.
** Update on my visit – the original post was made 3 years ago. I found out at that time all was good with me. The Doctor informed me I had nothing to worry about as it’s just a muscle issue. Whew !! And to this day I am still going strong. But I now visit my doctor annually for checkups.