Why Go Wheat And Gluten Free

why go wheat and gluten free

Go Wheat and Gluten Free To Lose The Weight

Is Eating Wheat and Gluten Free For Everybody?

Why go wheat and gluten free? Plain and simply said:

  1. Today’s wheat is a genetically altered hybrid that yields bigger crops, which in turn actually raises blood sugar higher than candy. It is no longer the wheat of yesteryear.
  2. Today’s modern strains of wheat also triggers overeating and fat storage.
  3. Today’s wheat also contains compounds that stimulate the brain just like morphine does. This makes wheat clearly addictive, hence stimulating hunger.


Kind of explains why we’re always hungry. And  because wheat is found in breads, cereals, pastas, crackers, pretzels and more, we also end up with chronically elevated blood sugar, which in turn spikes the fat storage hormone “insulin”. High blood sugar also causes a type of chronic internal inflammation which is linked to obesity, fatigue, and memory issues.

If you lose the wheat, you’ll be amazed by how quickly you’ll see some results. First and foremost you’ll most likely lose 6 to 7 pounds within the first week, because your body can suddenly let go of all the fluid it was retaining to buffer inflamed tissues. It has also been said that as blood sugar and inflammation improves, everything else improves.

Cutting wheat will not only help you lose weight, but it can also help with brain fog, prevent other serious issues, and help eliminate ongoing ailments like joint pain, headaches, acid reflux, just to name a few.

You’ll also experience a faster metabolism. And how do you do this? By going gluten free as well. Gluten is a sticky, inflammation inducing wheat protein, that is so similar in shape and size to the thyroid hormone, it actually blocks thyroid receptors. And by avoiding gluten and wheat, you will help your thyroid burn calories at huge levels.

Following a wheat and gluten-free diet, even for people who don’t necessarily need to do so, is safe as long as these products are replaced with nutritious foods.   “Cutting wheat and gluten makes getting lean and healthy feel effortless.”  William Davis, MD.

So are you ready to take the plunge?  Follow along and see which foods you should and should not eat while changing your diet.   Funny thing … you’ll still be eating healthy, yummy and filling foods. Now isn’t that what dieting should be all about?


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