Top 5 Healthy Ways to Bring Peace Into Your Life

Tips to Boost Your Mental Health
Top 5 Healthy Ways to Bring Peace Into Your Life. Need some mindful tips to bring some calmness into your life? Bring the suggestions below into your day and see the positive changes it will have in your life.
1 – Have a positive attitude. Believe it or not this all starts with YOU and how you interpret challenges that get thrown your way. For example, if something gets broken, ask yourself 1) did you really need it 2) will fixing it may make it work more efficiently 3) or could changing the design open an opportunity for you. You can ask yourself the same if a project doesn’t look the way you wanted it to or if a situation didn’t go the way you anticipated. Always try to see the glass as half full – you’ll be surprised by your inner creativity
2 – Keep a ledger/notebook and write it in daily. Start with what you are grateful for, what your daily goal is, and then finish up with what you actually accomplished. This is a great way to keep track of your time and how to keep yourself accountable. My daughter gave me “The Five-Minute Journal” and I can honestly say it’s one of the best things I do every morning and evening.
3 – Drink water throughout the day. Experts say to drink half your body weight. So with me being 135, I should be consuming 65 oz. of water. May not sound like a lot, but for me it is. To help me get through the water shock, I’ve incorporated a daily routine of – a warm 8 oz. glass when I first wake up, a 16 oz. glass before each meal, and an 8 oz. sometime through out the day.
4 – Move throughout the day. You can’t really consider yourself a fitness person if you workout for an hour and then spend the rest of the day lounging around. This is not good for your health or your body. So find things to do during the day. Take a short walk, turn on the radio and dance a little, if your standing at your desk do some side bends, squats – you get the point. JUST KEEP MOVING.
5 – Get to Bed. I’m bad at this one. Not that I don’t go to bed – it’s just getting a full 8 hours of sleep every night is hard for me, something I definitely have to work on. Getting enough sleep helps your memory, behavior, anxiety, weight loss, and yes – even your sex drive. So as hard as this may seem, try to get to bed by 10:00, turn off the TV, put down your phone and just close your eyes, think happy thoughts, say a prayer, and just try to relax.
If these 5 tips seem too much to adhere to, just pick ONE to start with. You may surprise yourself. If you’re looking for more topics to help with your PERSONAL HAPPINESS – Motivational, Relationships, Religion, and Personal Care and Development, click this PERSONAL HAPPINESS link.