Top 10 Health and Nutrition Tips that are Actually Based on Evidence and Facts

The Top 10 Health and Nutrition Tips
Top 10 Health and Nutrition Tips that are Actually Based on Evidence and Facts
Sugar drinks and their High Fructose Corn Syrup content are connected with obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and many other health problems. They are full of calories making them one of the most fattening drinks you can put into your body. DITCH THE POP AND GRAB SOME WATER, GREEN TEA OR RED TEA INSTEAD - AVOID PROCESSED JUNK FOOD
The main thing about processed foods is they’re not real food – THEY’RE ENGINEERED FOODS (hence the name processed). They’ve been engineered to trick your brain into overeating, some even addicting, and made with with high contents of added sugars and refined grains – nothing but empty calories - EAT FATTY FISH LIKE SALMON
Salmon is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids and other nutrients which are extremely good for your health. Studies have shown that eating fish can lower your risk of diseases including dementia and depression - SLEEP
Get a full 8 hours of sleep every night. Studies have proven that those who don’t get enough ZZZZ’s at night run the risk of weight gain and obesity. Why? Because not enough sleep can drive insulin resistance and disrupt your appetite hormones. - DRINK WATER BEFORE YOUR MEALS
We all know we’re suppose to be drinking 8 glasses of water a day, but did you also know that if you drink 2 cups of water 30 minutes BEFORE each meal you can increase your weight loss by 44%? Just another tip that’s been proven via a study - EAT YOUR PROTEIN
Eating protein is very important for weight loss. It also boosts your metabolism significantly, reduces your cravings and desires to snack at night, and it’s been shown to lower blood sugar and blood pressure levels. SO DROP THE CHIPS AND GRAB SOME PROTEIN - COOK WITH EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL
This oil is very beneficial for heart health. Studies have shown that people who consume EEVO have a much lower risk of dying from a heart attack or a stroke. And if that’s not enough, it’s also loaded with monounsaturated fats and antioxidants that can fight inflammation. - DO CARDIO EXERCISES
We can target all the “relaxed muscles” in our bodies, but as you know … the belly fat is the hardest to get rid of. So add a little cardio into your daily workout program, as any aerobic exercise is very effective in reducing that stubborn belly fat. - EAT FRUITS AND VEGETABLES
Studies have shown that those who eat the most fruits and vegetables have a lower risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity – AND THEY LIVE LONGER. Why? Because fruits and vegetables are loaded with prebiotic fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that are excellent for good health. - GET YOUR VITAMIN D
When winter comes rolling around we tend to not be outside and are less likely to get our much needed vitamin D from the sunlight. And vitamin D is crucial to good health – it improves bone health, increases strength, reduces symptoms of depression, lowers the risk of cancer, AND may also help you live longer. So make sure to take your daily supplement of VITAMIN D3.
So there you have it – the top 10 Health and Nutrition Tips that are actually based on evidence and facts. Implement them into your lives today and see how better you’ll feel.