The Love Dare – Week 5

the love dare challenge week 5

The Love Dare 40 Day Challenge

The Love Dare – Week 5. Motivation, Unity, Love and Marriage, Sexual Needs, Completion, Godliness, and Accountability

After completing the fifth week of the Love Dare, I will say out of all the challenges – asking for help is one of the hardest ones. About 10 years ago, when my husband and I were going through a really rocky time, I went to my priest and asked for guidance. I was embarrassed to admit my marriage was not picture perfect, embarrassed to admit my marriage was falling apart, and embarrassed to admit that I was weak and needed help.

But with his counsel and through prayer, I was able to decide what my next steps should be. And with God’s guidance, I am still married to the same man of 35 years. So ask for help when you need it – and pray, pray, pray. God hears you.


  • Love’s Motivation – commit to giving your spouse the best love you possibly can, then shoot for love’s unchanging motivation. 
  • Love Brings Unity – become united, as unity will always strengthen relationships in homes
  • Love and Marriage – join your hearts so you can walk as one.
  • Love Meets Sexual Needs – be physically intimate with your spouse, to experience a strengthening of your relational, emotional, and spiritual intimacy
  • Love Completes Each Other – let your spouse know you desire to include them in decisions and you need their perspective and counsel
  • Love Celebrates Godliness – Commend your spouse when they demonstrate Christian characters
  • Love is Accountable – as for help with counsel as they will be the relational influence that takes your marriage from mediocre to amazing

And now, onward to the final week and day 36 of the Love Dare. Hope you’re keeping up with me 🙂 Peace

Have you liked the first five weeks Of The Love Dare 40 Day Challenge?  Let me know what you think.  And if you missed any of the other days, check out the The Love Dare series here, where I’ll be going through the 40 days myself.  Much love 🙂

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