The Bone Broth Diet – 21 Day Plan to Lose Weight

Day 1 – Asparagus and Mushroom Quiche
The Bone Broth Diet – 21 Day Plan to Lose Weight. The book touts that you can lose up to 15 pounds, 4 inches, and your wrinkles, in just 21 days. Well, with Christmas being 20 days away and me planning on being around family and friends during the holiday, I can’t think of a better time to want to do just this.

The pounds have definitely crept up on me since being on leave of absence from work due to rotator cuff surgery. And I went from being a very active person to becoming pretty much a slug – and those extra 10 pounds prove just that.
My leave of absence will probably be ending in the next 6 weeks, so I’ve decided to get my ass in gear and lose some weight and get back into shape – all before returning back to work. And I’d certainly like to be a little lighter at Christmas time too. Is this possible?
The Bone Broth Diet – 21 Day Plan to Lose Weight
Well according to The Bone Broth Diet by Dr. Kellyann Petrucci, it is possible. The logistics behind it was very convincing, making it pretty much a no brainer to buy her book and see the menu plans. And not to get into too much detail now, but I gotta say – the foods you’re allowed to eat are all ones that I like and enjoy eating now, and the ones that are not allowed I can definitely live without.
So here goes nothing – I’m going to be dieting for the next 20 days just in time for Christmas. And at the end of the 21 days I will post the complete deets of the DO’S and DON’TS for this diet, a complete list of what’s acceptable to eat and what’s not, and some additional recipes just in case you don’t want to follow the menu I’ve laid out for myself. But in the meantime, here’s what I have been eating.
Upon waking up, I drank 1 cup of warm/hot water and let that settle in my stomach before having breakfast. I’m a firm believer in drinking warm/hot water first thing in the morning to help move everything in my stomach out, if you catch my meaning.
I didn’t have breakfast this morning as I woke up kind of late plus I just wasn’t hungry, so I waited to eat until early afternoon to eat. Which pushed up my lunch and dinner times, so I had a combo lunch and dinner meal around 6ish. That meal wasn’t in the book as a prepared lunch or dinner recipe, but I couldn’t let the makings of the broth go to waste (details below).

Asparagus and Mushroom Quiche
4 Servings 371 calories, 6 carbs
2 tbls Coconut Oil
1 1/2 lbs Asparagus, cut into 1″ pieces
1 c Mushrooms, sliced
1/2 Onion, finely chopped
8 Eggs
1 tbls Ghee
1 tsp Dijon Mustard
1 tsp dried Italian Seasoning, Herbs de Provence, or your favorite herb mix
1/8 tsp Garlic Powder
1 tsp Celtic or Pink Himalayan Salt
1/8-1/4 tsp Black Pepper
Preheat the oven to 375°, brush a 9″x9″ baking dish with 1 tbls of the oil or ghee.
Put the asparagus, mushrooms, and onion in the baking dish. In a medium bowl, whisk the eggs with remaining ghee, the mustard, and seasonings. Pour over the vegetables. Distribute the vegetables evenly in the egg mixture.
Bake for 25-30 minutes, or until a knife inserted near the center comes out clean. The quiche will puff up while baking and deflate when removed from the oven. Let cool for 5-10 minutes before cutting and serving.
** NOTE: So the one thing I would do differently next time is either bake or steam the asparagus before adding to the quiche. The stems were a little too crisp for my liking.
1 cup of Bone Broth
Leftovers from the bone broth makings – 2 Chicken Legs and 2 Wings, plus the carrots and celery. Like I said, I couldn’t just let these go to waste. And I’ll be completely honest with you – it was filling !!
1 c Bone Broth
1 c Grapes
Day 1 complete and I am feeling full and satisfied. Not too shabby. Not looking forward to tomorrow’s fasting where all I’ll have is broth, but oh well – it has to be done. Until then – let’s start moving and do some exercises. After all, dieting isn’t going to be the only way to get back into shape.
Plus … if you want to receive the complete YES FOOD and FOODS TO ELIMINATE lists, just let me know where to send them. You’ll get access to the lists in PDF form.
Now let’s get on those bikes and ride AND WORK UP A SWEAT ……………. enjoy some Freddy Mercury