The ABC List Of The Healthiest Vegetables: G and H for GREEN BEANS & HORSERADISH

healthiest vegetable horseradish


The ABC List Of The Healthiest Vegetables: G and H for GREEN BEANS & HORSERADISH.  Today’s post of the ABC List Of Healthiest Vegetables, also known as the Healthiest Foods On Earth: Vegetable Series Beginning With The Letter G and H, includes green beans and horseradish. GREEN BEANS are full of vitamins and minerals, calcium, vitamin A, and potassium, and HORSERADISH which acts as a digestive stimulant, is great for clearing up the sinuses, inhibits bacterial infection and increases circulation.  But wait … there’s even more so please keep reading.

The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth Series, are vegetables that begin with the letter G and H and are packed with nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants – all of which are great for your health.  This series is based on the book by Jonny Bowden and is a recipe for healthy living that hopefully everyone will take to heart like I have.  The 150 Healthiest Foods On Earth Series has been divided into food groups with this series being all about the vegetables – veggies that begin with the letter G and H.   You’ll be amazed at how eating the right foods is just like having a pharmacy in your fridge and pantry.

If you missed any of the previous vegetables, read up on them here at the ABC LIST OF THE HEALTHIEST FOODS.  Enjoy 😉


This includes french beans, runner beans, snap beans, green beans, wax beans, italian beans, all beans. Green beans contain folate, which is a critically important B vitamin that helps prevent neural tube defect, brings down homocystein, a natural occuring amino acid that can be harmful to blood vessels and contributes to the development of heart disease, stroke, dementia, and peripheral vascular disease (reduced blood flow to the legs and feet).abc list of healthiest vegetables on earth - green beans

Green beans are full of vitamins and minerals, some calcium, some vitamin A, and some potassium. They also contain 20% of the daily value for manganese, which is essential for growth, reproduction, wound healing, peak brain function, and the proper metabolism of sugars, insulin and cholesterol. They also contain beta-carotene and the eye carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, about 1/2 if the daily requirement for bone building vitamin K. 1 cup of beans also gives you 4 g of fiber.

So how about having a side dish of beans with your meal tonight?



Horseradish is a relative of the mustard family that acts as a digestive stimulant. It is also great for clearing up the sinuses and inhibits bacterial infection and increases circulation.

2 tbls has only 14 calories, plus has an assortment of minerals, particularly potassium.

Horseradish is a cruciferae, like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, rutabaga and turnip, which are known to have health benefits and cancer fighting properties. Horseradish is one of the richest sources of allyl isothiocyanate, which is believed to play a role in the prevention of tumors and in the suppression of tumor growth.

abc list of healthiest vegetables on earth - horseradishIt contains substantial quantities of glucosinolates, which increases human resistance to cancer. Glucosinolates in foods increase the livers ability to detoxify carcinogens and they may actually suppress the growth of existing cancerous tumors. Horseradish contains 10 times more glucosinolates than broccoli.

It’s one of the few foods that actually improves with processing. It contains an enzyme that breaks down the glucosinolates into other compounds called isothiocyanates, that are responsible for the anti cancer benefit: when you process the stuff, the enzyme is released. The enzyme comes into contact with the glucosinolates, and then you have the nutritionally beneficial isothiocyanates.


Now that you know how awesome horseradish is, make sure you add some to your favorite dish tonight 🙂 ciao

Click the link for the remaining alphabet on the Healthiest Foods In The World

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