Strawberry Coconut Flaxseed Smoothie

Low Cal and Low Carb Breakfast Smoothie – 100 Calories 13g Carbs
Strawberry Coconut Flaxseed Smoothie. Low-calorie low-carb breakfast smoothie made for the bone broth diet and for weight loss. This smoothie is perfect for either breakfast or lunch or whenever you’re on the go and need something quick for a meal. Made with only 5 ingredients – coconut milk, strawberries, vanilla extract, coconut water and flaxseeds with only 100 calories and 13g carbs.

Strawberry Coconut Flaxseed Smoothie
2 Serving – 100 calories 13g carbs
2/3 c Lite Coconut Milk
1 c Strawberries
1/2 tsp Vanilla Extract
1/2 c Coconut Water
1 tbsp Brown Flaxseeds
Combine all ingredients into your blender and give it a good whirl. Add ice if you desire more thickness.
If you’re in need of Coconut Milk, you can pick up a can of Thai Kitchen Unsweetened Lite Coconut Milk at any grocery store for around $3.50. Or be like me and stock up on a 12 pack of Thai Kitchen Unsweetened Lite Coconut Milk for $30 – click this THAI KITCHEN COCONUT MILK for the great price
This meal was made especially for the Bone Broth Diet. If you’d like more information for this diet, click the BONE BROTH DIET link. And for more low calorie low carb breakfast dishes, check our the BREAKFAST RECIPE link.