Sore Throat Relief with a Green Smoothie

Relieve a Sore Throat with a Green Smoothie
Sore Throat Relief with a Green Smoothie. Are you dealing with an itchy, irritated sore throat? Maybe struggling to shake off a cold or flu you came down with? Try this Green Smoothie. This one has helped me out considerably over the past couple weeks while I too have been battling the flu.
This Green Smoothie is rich in Zinc, Vitamin C and Vitamin D, all the nutrients your body needs to support immune function and may help relieve the symptoms of your cold or flu and help soothe your sore throat. It also contains my secret MUST HAVE ingredient – REISHI POWDER !!
What makes this smoothie so effective? It’s all in the ingredients below. So grab the recipes ingredients, give them a whirl in your blender, and enjoy the taste. Cheers to a speedy recovery 🙂
Sore Throat Relief with a Green Smoothie
thank you Vibrant Happy Healthy for the recipe base
1 ½ c Almond Milk
1 c Spinach
½ Avocado
1″ Ginger, peeled
½ tsp Vanilla Extract
½ tsp grated Turmeric
2 tsp Honey
2 Bananas, frozen
½ c Mango chunks, frozen
Add all ingredients to your blender, and blend until smooth. Add ice for a thicker consistency