Sore Throat Relief Banana and Reishi Smoothie

Banana and Reishi Mushroom Smoothie for Sore Throats
Sore Throat Relief Banana and Reishi Smoothie. As you may know, I’ve been battling the flu this past week – headache, sinus congestion, terrible cough, and a sore throat.
And because I’ve been sucking on throat lozenges for my sore throat, the roof of my mouth has become so scratched up, it pains me to eat. Not to mention I now have 2 canker sores on the inside of my lip. I’m a hot mess!!
But even tho I can’t chew anything or down my favorite soups with any spices on it, I have been able to get my vitamins and nutrients with the smoothies that I’ve been making. And to be quite honest with you – so far each one of them has been absolutely delicious.
So let me share with you the Sore Throat Relief Smoothie, which I found on the Vibrant Happy Healthy website. It had most of the ingredients needed to fill me with vitamins and nutrients and tackle this flu and sore throat. But it was missing my favorite ingredient – REISHI MUSHROOM POWDER.
In case you missed my previous posting, here’s a little background on why I believe Reishi Mushrooms are such a useful tool in the war against the common cold and flu.
The Reishi Mushroom – is considered the king of Traditional Chinese Medicine, one that has been treasured for centuries. One that is loaded with antibacterial and anti-viral properties, which is perfect for battling the common cold and flu.

Reishi can be the perfect supplement to help support your immune system, regardless if you’re already sick or just want to take preventative measures against the cold and flu. Studies have shown there are two substances in the Reishi Mushroom that make it the antiviral powerhouse fungus.
- TRITERPENES are beneficial in anti-inflammatory, liver protection, anti-tumor, and immune regulation, which makes it one of the main beneficial compounds in reishi alongside the beta-glucans. And …
- COMPLEX POLYSACCHARIDE compounds, which can help stimulate the immune system by increasing immunoglobin levels, which are essential to the defense of foreign cells such as pathogens and microbes.
So because Reishi Mushrooms are so beneficial to your immune system, I now add a teaspoon/tablespoon to just about everything I make – soups, hot beverages, smoothies, you name it.
Organic 7 Mushroom Supplement For Immune Support
So now you know my take on Reishi Mushrooms. Just add a teaspoon to the smoothie below to either prevent an onset of a cold, to battle a cold or flu you may already have, or for this delicious Sore Throat Relief Banana Smoothie.
The ingredients for the Sore Throat Relief Banana and Reishi Smoothie were added specifically for healing and soothing:
Chamomile Tea – has anti-inflammatory capabilities, which help to soothe sore throat pain and redness.
Banana – are soft, nutritious fruits that are easy to swallow and gentle on your throat. They also contain Vitamin C to help your body fight infections.
Almond Milk – almonds boosts your immune system when you have an illness like the flu
Cinnamon – is packed with potent antibacterial, antiviral, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory properties
Honey – is known for its antimicrobial properties, and is used as an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antibacterial agent. HONEY IS ONE OF THE BEST REMEDIES FOR A SORE THROAT
Vanilla Extract – contains antibacterial properties that help eliminate the underlying infection or illness, while easing coughs and sore throats
And there you have it – the low down on just how good and beneficial this smoothie is. It will soothe your sore throat PLUS give you all the tools needed to help strengthen your immune system. Grab the ingredients below and mix this baby up today. Your throat will definitely thank you.
Be well, take care of yourselves, and bottoms up to good health 🙂

Sore Throat Relief Smoothie
Thank you the Vibrant Happy Healthy for the recipe
1 Banana, frozen
½ c Almond milk
½ c Chamomile tea, chilled
1/2 tsp Reishi Mushroom Powder
½ tsp vanilla extract
1/4 tsp Cinnamon
1 tsp Honey
Place all ingredients in your blender, and blend until smooth. For a thicker consistency, add ice and blend again.