Soft and Cakey Chocolate Chip Cookies

Chocolate Chip Cookies for Soft Food Diet
“It’s all about what you feel on the inside – and I’m feeling like a chocolate chip cookie because I had about ten of them last night!” ~ Amber Benson
Soft and Cakey Chocolate Chip Cookies. If you think you have to deprive yourself of guilty pleasures just because you can only eat soft foods, stop right there. I’ve got a treat for you that will satisfy that sweet tooth or any craving you may have.
It’s these Soft and Cakey Chocolate Chip Cookies. They won’t irritate your gums and they won’t hurt your mouth, especially if you’re wearing new dentures. Trust me on this – I’ve just eaten 6 of them.
They’re not crisp, not dry, not even chewy – they are just perfect for you to enjoy if you’ve had oral surgery or are trying to get used to your new dentures. Soft and cakey – just what the doctor ordered.

And what makes them so soft and cakey?? I believe it’s the yogurt I added. Let me explain. So I wanted to make chocolate cookies to bring to my sons for Christmas Eve. I realized I didn’t have any baking soda so I had to make a trip to the store this morning, Christmas Eve morning. Then after I got home and put away everything I just bought (spent close to $75 on just stuff), I realized I forgot to get brown sugar. Yup, it was on my list.
So off again I went to the grocery store. This time only for brown sugar, but wound up spending another $75 on wine, charcuterie goodies (for the guests), and an Amaryllis bulb for my daughter in law.
So I get home, put everything away, and as I started gathering the ingredients for the cookies, I was like shit – I don’t have any granulated sugar !! No way was I going back to store, so I dug around my cabinets and found a box of Wholesome Organic Stevia. On the box it read “it’s sweeter than sugar”. Uh Oh !! I’ve never baked with Stevia before so I was really kind of nervous and frantically started doing google searches.
Do I have raw Stevia? Is it pure Stevia? Is it the kind that’s 100% sweeter than granulated sugar? All these questions determine exactly how many packets to use. I was like WTF !!!!!
After spending about 30 minutes reading all the blogs and google results, I took the information from the Stevia to Sugar Conversions (see below) and just ran with it. I read that because I would be using less stevia than I would sugar, I needed to add something else to increase the bulk of the cookie. Suggestions were: about 1/3 cup of liquid like yogurt, apple sauce, fruit juice, pumpkin, egg whites, apple butter, for every one cup of sugar replaced by stevia. If something else wasn’t added, the cookies would fall flat and wouldn’t have the desired texture. So I went with the yogurt which was a GOOD CALL !!
STEVIA TO SUGAR CONVERSION: “One packet of stevia is equivalent to about two teaspoons of sugar. Twenty-four packets equal one cup of sugar. If you’re using pure powdered stevia, the stevia-to-sugar ratio is even lower. A half teaspoon of powdered stevia equals ¾ cup of sugar.” Yikes !!
So like I said – I just ran with it and the end result did not disappoint. Here’s the recipe for Soft and Cakey Chocolate Chip Cookies. Make a batch and let me know what you think. As for me, I’m just going to plop my butt in front of the tube and eat a few more. Have a Merry Christmas Eve my friends.
Makes 3 dozen

2 1/4 c Flour
1 tsp Baking Soda
1 tsp Salt
1 c (2 sticks) Butter, softened
12 packets Wholesome Organic Stevia
3/4 c Brown Sugar (packed)
1 tsp Vanilla Extract
2 lrg Eggs
2 lrg spoonfuls (1/4 c) of plain Greek Yogurt
6 oz semi-sweet Chocolate Morsels
Preheat the oven to 375°
In a bowl, mix the flour, baking soda and salt together. Set aside.
In another bowl (I used the bowl for my kitchen aid), beat the butter, stevia, brown sugar, and vanilla extract until creamy. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each added egg. Blend in the yogurt until all is creamy.
Beat in the flour, a little at a time. Then stir in the chocolate chips. MY TIP: Let the cookie dough sit in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes as this will solidify the fat in the cookies and there will be less spreading during baking. Got this tip from my mother in law years ago and the results were always thick rich cookies.
Place spoonfuls of cookie dough on a cookie sheet and bake for 11 minutes. Check them to make sure they’re not getting burnt around the edges. Remove from oven and let them sit on a cooling rack for 2 minutes and viola – they’re ready to eat !! YUMMY 🙂
For more soft food recipes, check out the 3 Cheese Frittata or click this link here. And if you need more soft food ideas, try a few of the smoothies featured on my “healthy breakfast smoothies” page. There are sooooo many to choose from – enjoy 🙂