6 Reasons Why Drinking Water Helps You Lose Weight

the water first secret to weight loss

The Water First Secret to Weight Loss

6 Reasons Why Drinking Water Helps You Lose Weight. Roller coaster diets and weight loss – I’m sure we’ve all been there ….  lose some weight, gain it back – lose a little  more, gain a lot more back.  Outside of choosing the right diet that will work best for you, we favor CARB CYCLING, there is another way to help you shed extra pounds and that is with simple GLASSES OF WATER.

The “Water First” Secret To Speed Off Weight.  It’s really quite simple – just sip 16 oz. of water before each sitting.  Have your meal laid out before you, whether it be breakfast, lunch or dinner. But before taking that first bite off your plate … drink your water.  It will tame the hunger pains making you less likely to gorge yourself with huge servings or going for seconds.

The Water First Secret to Weight Loss


  1. As mentioned above, water is a natural suppressant.  Water can help to take up space in the stomach, leading to a feeling of fullness and reducing hunger. So when the stomach senses that it is full, it sends signals to the brain to stop eating.
  2. Water increases calorie burning – your body cannot properly metabolize stored fat or carbohydrates, but it will expend more energy or calories when it has to heat up a glass of cold water for easier digestion.
  3. Water helps to remove waste from the body – it helps the body hydrate which helps the kidneys to filter toxins and waste. When your body is dehydrated the kidneys retain fluid. It can also result in hard or lumpy stools and constipation. When waste builds up in the body, people feel bloated, swollen, and tired, which can add inches to a person’s waist. Water keeps waste moving by softening or loosening hardened stools.
  4. Drinking water can reduce overall liquid calorie intake – many people love their soda, juice, coffee, sports drinks and alcoholic beverage. But they’re filled with high-calories, some with high fructose corn syrup which are so bad for your overall health. All the more reason to switch to drinking water
  5. Water is necessary to burn fat – without water the body cannot metabolize stored fat or carbohydrates.  When you increase your water intake, it leads to increased lipolysis (which is how fat is metabolized) and the end result is fat loss
  6. Water helps with workouts – keeping your muscles, connective tissues, and joints moving correctly. It also keeps the lungs, heart, and other organs working effectively.  And make sure to drink water as it keeps you hydrated and reduces the risk of muscle cramps and fatigue.

So there you have it – make sure to drink your H2O … IT’S GOOD FOR YOU

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6 reasons why drinking water helps you lose weight

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