Simple Chicken Soup Canning Recipe

Makes 14 Pints – Easy Canning Recipe For Beginners
Simple Chicken Soup Canning Recipe. The easiest soup to make especially if you’re a beginner at canning. Perfect for those cold winter days when you need to warm up your insides – or if you’re feeling under the weather. Nothing cures the chills better than some homemade chicken soup. And what’s really great about this recipe it’s just your basic soup – so when you’re ready to heat it up, throw in some noodles or rice and you’ve got yourself one heck of a soup. So check it out and see how easy it is to make and preserve.
If you grow your own vegetables, grow your own fruit, or raise your own livestock, then I’m sure you already know of the rewards and benefits of having homegrown food at your fingertips. But what if you’re just getting started and are looking for ways to preserve every bit of produce you’ve toiled over the past spring, summer, and fall? If this is you (and it was me) then you have to check out this easy to make Simple Chicken Soup Canning Recipe. It’s so easy even a beginner canner will nail it.
Simple Chicken Soup Canning Recipe
16 c Chicken stock (which you will make when cooking the chicken)
3 Chicken breasts, boneless
2 c Celery, diced (about 4 stalks)
2 c Carrots, diced (about 6)
1 Leek, chopped
1 c Onion, chopped
1 Garlic clove, minced
3 tbls Ground Pepper
6 Chicken Bouillon cubes
Add to a large soup pot, the chicken breasts, 8 cups of water, the chopped leek and 3 of the chicken bouillon cubes. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat, cover and simmer until the chicken is cooked – takes about a good 20 minutes. Remove the chicken – DO NOT DISCARD the chicken stock that you just made along with the leeks.

Once chicken is cool enough to handle, dice it up and add it back to the pot along with the remaining 8 cups of water, 3 more chicken bouillon cubes, diced celery ad carrots, minced garlic, chopped onion, and the black pepper. I like ground pepper in my soup so I tend to go a bit crazy with it – use your own preference with the ground pepper. Bring the pot to a boil, reduce the heat, cover and cook for 10 minutes.
Prepare your canning supplies – sterilize your jars, the lids and rings, which I do in my dishwasher and then keep there so they stay warm until ready to use. I also add the required water to my pressure canner, get the water to a nice hot temperature and ready for the jars.
Once the soup has cooked for 10 minutes, scoop the goodies out with a slotted spoon and fill the jars halfway. Then ladle the chicken broth to fill the remainder of the jar, leaving a 1″ headspace.
Wipe edges of jar rims clean, place a sterilized lid on top, and hand tighten it close with a ring. Place each jar on top of the rack inside the canner, seal, and pressure can the PINTS at 10lbs pressure for 75 minutes. If you’ve filled QUART JARS – pressure can at 10lbs pressure for 90 minutes. Once done carefully remove the canner from the heat and let the pressure release on its own – mine takes 30 minutes. Then open the canner lid, remove the jars and place them on a kitchen towel to cool. And there you have it – pretty easy and straight forward.