Sexual Needs – Day 32 of the Love Dare

love meets sexual needs - day 32 of the love dare

Day 32 – Love Meets Sexual Needs

The Love Dare 40 Day Challenge

Sexual Needs – Day 32 of The Love Dare.  Through physical intimacy with your spouse, we experience a strengthening of our relational, emotional, and spiritual intimacy.

Day 32 – Love Meets Sexual Needs

“The husband must fulfill his duty to his wife, and likewise also the wife to her husband.” ~ 1 Corinthians 7:3

THE DARE – If at all possible, try to initiate sex with your husband or wife today. Do this in a way that honors what your spouse has told you (or implied to you) about what they need from you sexually. Ask God to make this enjoyable for both of you as well as a path to greater intimacy.

Love meets sexual needs

In marriage, romance is meant to thrive and vibrantly flourish. The Song of Solomon is a beautiful love story. It describes how each spouse can passionately love and cherish the other in their romantic relationship. Through the pleasure of physical intimacy, we experience a strengthening of our relational, emotional, and spiritual intimacy as well.

“Marriage is to be held in honor among all, and the marriage bed is to be undefiled.”

God proclaims that “marriage is to be held in honor among all, and the marriage bed is to be undefiled.” God provides us with the only way to protect our moral purity (1 Corinthians 7:1-2), protect our bodies physically (1 Corinthians 6:18), honor our spouse faithfully (Exodus 20:14), and keep our sexual experiences glorified to Him (1 Corinthians 6:19). He is not limiting our enjoyment but protecting it … and us.

But we are weak. Affected by our past. Deceived by our culture. Tempted by unholy desires. As a result many husbands and wives have grown distant from each other, allowing staleness to sit in, pushing each other away, withholding something precious rightly and exclusively belonging to their spouse.

God established marriage with a “one flesh” mentality. You are “one” and belong to each other.

God established marriage with a “one flesh” mentality. You are “one” and belong to each other. You are the sole person on the face of the earth called and designated by God to meet your spouse’s sexual needs.

The heart of marriage is one of giving ourselves to each other to meet the others needs. Sex is one God given opportunity to practice what the Love Dare entails. Though heaven is not described as being sexual, God gives us a small taste of heavenly joy through the regular physical consummation of the covenant between a husband and wife.

So each time you consummate your sacred relationship as husband-and-wife, remember that your union is a celebration of your marital intimacy, the grand finale of your mutual love.

Did you like Love Meets Sexual Needs – Day 32 of the Love Dare Challenge?  Let me know what you think.  And if you missed any of the other days, check out the The Love Dare series here, where I’ll be going through the 40 days myself.  Much love 🙂

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