Love Is Not Selfish – Day 3 Of The Love Dare. The Love Dare, a 40 Day Challenge To Strengthen Your Marriage, a 40 day action plan written by Stephen & Alex Kendrick, for improving marriage. I never really thought of myself as a selfish person. I’ve always put my children’s and husbands needs before my own – whether it be with material things, day-to-day needs, or emotionally, my family has always come first. But it’s not always that cut and dry, as I’ve discovered while reading thru the challenge for today, and I recognize that I too am guilty of being selfish. Today’s dare has been an eye opener for me.
Day 3 – Love Is Not Selfish
Along with refraining from any negative comments, buy your spouse something that says “I was thinking of you today.”
Be devoted to one another in brotherly love, give preference to one another in honor ~ Romans 12:10

Selfishness and love are in constant opposition to one another. Love asks us to deny ourselves for the sake of someone else, selfishness compels us to focus on ourselves at their expense. When we choose self-centeredness, we become higher maintenance – more needy, overly sensitive and demanding. The terms “I deserve … I expect … I want…” are appetizers we use to feed selfishness.
How is selfishness hidden? Moodiness and complaining, laziness and irresponsibility, boasting and bragging, being easily angered, talking too much, never listening…. and on and on.
Loving couples in loving marriages are bent on humbling themselves and taking good care of the other flawed human with whom they have chosen to live their lives. It’s putting the happiness of their partner before their own. Choosing to love your mate will cause you to say “no” to what you want so you can say “yes” to what they need.
Love also leads to inner freedom. It helps liberate you from the anxiety of unrealistic expectations and unmet demands. Unselfish people are a perpetual delight. They make amazing friends and spouses. They’re willing to set their own jealousy and demands aside and lose themselves in the joy of loving, serving, and giving to another.
Here’s today dare – not being selfish. Whatever you put your time, energy, and money into will become more important to you. It’s hard to care for something you are not invested in. Along with refraining from any negative comments, buy your spouse something that says “I was thinking of you today.” 🙂
If you missed any of the other days, check out the The Love Dare series here, where I’ll be going through the 40 days myself.