Responsibility – Day 26 Of The Love Dare

love is responsible - day 26 of the love dare

Day 26 – Love Is Responsible

The Love Dare 40 Day Challenge

Responsibility – Day 26 of the Love Dare.  Ask for God’s forgiveness when you fail, humble yourself to admit them sincerely and truthfully to your spouse, and ask for their forgiveness too.

Day 26 – Love Is Responsible

When you judge another, you condemn yourself, since you, the judge, do the same things ~ Romans 2:1

THE DARE: Take time to pray through your areas of responsibility and your area in wrongdoing. Where you have failed, ask for God’s forgiveness, then humble yourself enough to admit them to your spouse. Do it sincerely and truthfully. Ask your spouse for forgiveness as well. No matter how they respond, make sure you cover your responsibility in love.

Love is responsible

The benefits we enjoy in marriage depend on how responsible we are in taking good care of it. That’s why taking personal responsibility is one of loves greatest requests.

Each marriage is a living garden placed under the care of husband-and-wife. Both of you. The more responsible you are to fulfill your vows, roles, and duties, the more you will enjoy the many delights and wonders of your oneness. But the less responsible you become, the more painful and divisive the consequences.

Love calls us to take full responsibility for our partner

Love and wisdom compel us to not neglect our responsibilities. Love calls us to take full responsibility for our partner in marriage. To love them. To cherish them. To help them.

Love also compels us to take responsibility for something else in a marriage – our own mistakes. We are so quick to justify them. So quick to deflect criticism. To find fault with our spouse instead. We tend to believe they we are always more correct than they are. But love doesn’t pass the blame or justify wrongs. It doesn’t make excuses. Instead it faces reality about areas of personal weakness and failure that need to be willingly addressed.

So the next time you’re in an argument with your spouse, stop and see if there’s some truth to what he or she is saying. What might happen if instead of denying, blaming, and working up your own comebacks – you humbly receive their rebuke and took responsibility for your wrongs? Love is wise and agreeable, willing to admit and correct its faults up front. To confess. To repent. To change.

Humility and Honestly before God and Your Spouse are Crucial 

Pride is very resistant to responsibility. But humility and honesty before God and your spouse are crucial for a healthy relationship.

  • Are you taking responsibility for your own failures?
  • Have you said or done things to your spouse that are wrong?
  • What about to God?

Apologies bring amazing breakthroughs. They can tear down walls of resistance, rebuild relational bridges, unclog pipelines of communication, and reignite feelings of affection.

It’s time to humble yourself, be honest about your offenses, and repair the damage. Think of it as an act of love. But do this sincerely. Swallow your pride and seek forgiveness, regardless of how you’re spouse responses. If your heart is sincere, you may be surprised at the grace and strength He gives you when you take this step.

Taking responsibility is always the loving thing to do.

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