Potato Soup Recipe For Canning

Makes 6-7 Quarts – The Perfect Potato Soup Recipe For Beginner Canners
Potato Soup Recipe For Canning. I did a lot of searching for potato soup to can/preserve and finally found this delicious recipe. May have taken a little longer to make than what I’m used to but it was well worth it – yup, dove right in and even made 2 batches. And seeing my hubs is an Irishman and the Irish love their potatoes, even he was impressed. Same here (as I pat myself on the back). So if you were like me and grew an abundance of potatoes AND if a nice hot bowl of soup is one of your cold weather favorites – check out this potato soup recipe. I’m sure you’ll like it. Happy canning 🙂
If you grow your own vegetables, grow your own fruit, or raise your own livestock, then I’m sure you already know of the rewards and benefits of having homegrown food at your fingertips. But what if you’re just getting started and are looking for ways to preserve every bit of produce you’ve toiled over the past spring, summer, and fall? If this is you (and it was me) then you have to check out this easy to make Potato Soup Recipe For Canning. It’s so easy even a beginner canner will nail it.
Potato Soup Recipe For Canning
thank you theshechef for the awesome recipe
2 tbsp Olive Oil
4 Garlic coves, minced
1 Onion, chopped
1 Carrot, chopped
2 Celery stalks, chopped
8-10 Large Potatoes, peeled and cubed small
8-10 c Broth (I used chicken, you can also use vegetable)
1 tsp Basil
2 tbsp Pepper
1 tbsp Parsly
4 tbsp Salt
3 c Ham chunks
1/2 c Parmesan Cheese
4 c whole Milk
3 tbsp Butter
1/2 c Flour

First things first – sterilize your jars, the lids and rings, which I do in my dishwasher and then keep there so they stay warm until ready to use.
Place your peeled and cubed potatoes in a large soup pot of water, and wash and rinse them thoroughly – I washed and rinsed them twice. Drain and then let them soak in the broth. Set aside.
In a pan, saute the garlic, onion, carrots and celery in olive oil until they’re caramelized – approx 5 minutes. Mix in the ham chunks and saute an additional 2 minutes. The add the caramelized veggies and ham to the pot of potatoes you have sitting on the side. Now add the herbs – the basil, pepper, parsley, and salt (optional as there’s salt in the ham), place pot on a burner and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for a 1/2 an hour.
While the soup is cooking, melt the 3 tbls butter in a pan and then stir in 1 tsp black pepper for taste (yummy). Sprinkle in the flour and mix until smooth. Then slowly add the milk a little at a time, stirring while adding – making sure there are no lumps. Now you can whisk in the Parmesan cheese. Thoroughly mix everything until all is smooth (any chunkiness will be the Parmesan cheese).
Take the butter and flour mix and add it to your soup pot of potatoes and veggies, stirring everything together. The soup will be thin and somewhat runny, but this is what you want as you don’t want to pressure can soup that has a thick sauce.
With a slotted spoon, halfway fill each jar with the soup goodies – in other words the potatoes, vegetables and ham. This way you get an even amount of goodies in each jar. Then take a ladle and fill the jars with the remaining soup liquids, leaving a 1″ head space.
Wipe edges of jar rims clean, place a sterilized lid on top, and hand tighten it close with a ring. Place each jar on top of the rack inside the canner, seal, and pressure can at 10lbs pressure for 90 minutes. Once done carefully remove the canner from the heat and let the pressure release on its own – mine takes 30 minutes. Then open the canner lid, remove the jars and place them on a kitchen towel to cool. And there you have it – pretty easy and straight forward.
When it comes time to serve the soup, you can thicken it up with a small roux of 2 tbsp. butter and 2 tbsp. flour. Then garnish with crunched up bacon and a parsley sprig. YUMMY !!
Can buttermilk be used instead of whole milk? I have a recipe similar to this but it uses buttermilk.
This is not an approved recipe for canning, and should not be used by a beginner canner. Once you are experienced, you can make an educated decision whether or not to use an Unapproved recipe. Oil, cheese, milk, butter, and flour are not foods that are approved for canning. The recipe does sound yummy!!
I’m kinda new to canning. This recipe has no acid. With the milk in there, how does this keep and for how long?
Thank you for asking. You know I was kind of leery about the milk too as some have said you can’t can with milk. But I’ve been following this woman for many years, she’s never had a problem with her recipes. And I too have made so many of her canning recipes and everything is good. This particular recipe I will keep on my shelf for a year. Doubt it will last that long tho as my hubs loves potato soup.