Pear Soup for Sore Throats and Lung Health

Chinese Pear Soup Recipe for Lung Health
Pear Soup for Sore Throats and Lung Health. Are you a smoker, or perhaps trying to quit smoking? Are you dealing with the after math of a cold or flu? Aftermaths like a lingering cough (heat in the lungs), excess mucus, irritability, thirst, a dry or hoarse throat, retina pain, constipation, or difficulty urinating?
Well there is a soup that you can make at home which may help relieve these symptoms for you. It’s called the Chinese Pear Soup for Lung Health.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Pears are known for their ability to tonify yin (is a form of therapy that aims to balance qi) and also helps to clear heat and resolve phlegm.
From Acupuncture:
Pears are known to: regenerate body fluids, quench thirst, calm the heart, lubricate the lungs, relieve restlessness, promote urination, clear heat, detoxify, lubricate the throat, dissolve mucus, and relieve cough.
Pear Soup also helps to strengthen your lungs, may even prevent colds and the flu, and speed up the healing of colds and coughs. If you add some honey to this soup – it is also soothing for sore throats and dry throats.
Pear Soup for Sore Throats and Lung Health
So check out this recipe. It’s easy to make, really tasty, and your throat and lungs will thank you. Enjoy 🙂
Pear Soup for Sore Throats and Lung Health
thank you Daniela Freda for this recipe
2 large or 4 small Pears, peeled, cored and each one cut into 4 or 6 slices
1 Cinnamon stick
2 thin slices of fresh Ginger, each cut into the size of a quarter
1 Vanilla pod
To taste: a squeeze of fresh Lemon and raw Honey
Additional Herbs: 10 Goji Berries, 5 Chuan bei mu (fritillary bulb), 1 slice dried Astragalus
Bring pears, cinnamon, ginger, vanilla and optional herbs to a boil in 4 cups of water (or a little more water if needed, use enough water to cover the pears). Reduce heat and simmer on medium low, covered, for about 30 minutes.
Once done cooking, pour some soup into a bowl – this should include slices of pears, the liquid, and herbs. Now you can discard any cinnamon, ginger and vanilla that may be in your soup bowl.
If you’ve added the additional herbs, you can either discard them or keep them as you may just like the taste. Now is the time to add the honey and a squeeze of lemon to taste.
Remaining soup (which should still have some liquid, fruits, and spices) can be stored in a glass container in the refrigerator for 3 days.
And there you have it – the Traditional Chinese Medicine Pear Soup recipe for sore throats and lung health. Give it try today – you will be just as amazed as I was at the results.
STAY WELL and check my blog often as I’m always posting smoothies and healthy recipes on a daily basis.   If you’re in the market for immune boosting smoothies – click this SMOOTHIES AND JUICE LINK and scroll thru the many smoothies I’ve made over the past year. And if you’re looking to help with certain ailments, you can FILTER & SEARCH HERE Enjoy 🙂