The Love Dare – A 40 Day Challenge To Strengthen Your Marriage. It’s a 40 day action plan written by Stephen & Alex Kendrick, for improving marriage – whether the marriage is healthy and strong or a marriage that’s in need of help. So today we begin – on to Day 1 – Love Is Patient
Day 1: Love is Patient
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love ~ Ephesians 4:2

What today’s dare focuses on is love and patience, and how the two go hand in hand together.
Love works. It gives courage to a coward and wisdom to a fool. It can motivate a man and can drive a woman to connect emotionally in relationships. Love is built on two pillars that best define what it is – patience and kindness.
Love inspires you to be a patient person. When you chose to be patient, you respond in positive ways to negative situations, meaning you are slow to anger.
Patience stops problems in their tracks. It is a choice to control your emotions rather than allow your emotions to control you. It brings an internal calm to an external storm.
Anger is often an emotional reaction flowing out of our own ignorance, foolishness, or selfishness. “He who is slow to anger has great understanding, but he who is quick-tempered exalts folly” Proverbs 14:29
Patience is where love meets wisdom. During this Love Dare journey, the first thing we must resolve to do is to demonstrate patience on a daily basis.
So there you have it. Go ahead and try being patient all day today – I dare you 🙂
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Starting the Love Dare tomorrow. Wanting the Lord to move and heal.
that is awesome. May the good Lord guide you in your relationship
I’ve been doing the love dare and my wife was getting frustrated and said I was smothering her. I’m so confused with everything going on and do dive into God’s word and the love dare and work on this whole heartedly. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Hey Tim, I’m sorry you had this confusion. The love dare isn’t Gods will, it’s an idea to help you create accountability for changing habits and doing things Gods way in your marriage. But ultimately you and your wife have a unique relationship which is what you’re focusing on in this. If your wife says she’s feeling smothered, ask her what exactly you’re doing that makes her feel this way. Get to know her thoughts, feelings and heart. If she’s not ready to share that much, employ patience and trust in God. He is and will guide you. Ultimately, you can’t change anyone, God can. His timing is perfect. I applaud your effort in seeking out something that can benefit your marriage. Continue to ask God how he wants to use this vs being prescriptive in thinking it will work out like someone else says. I realize you wrote this a few months ago now, but I hope it’s still of some help. God bless you and your marriage!
Beth, thank you for replying to Tim. I’ve been going through some rough times right now and haven’t been checking the site as I should be. Thank you again – you were so spot on with your response. God bless
I would encourage you to be patient. Work on improving yourself. Hopefully she will share with you why she feels smothered. Your action is to be kind and patient not expecting anything is return.