Motivational Monday Quotes

Motivation Monday – Inspiration to Get Your Week Started
Motivational Monday Quotes. This is a good one from Stephen Hawkins as there’s so much truth to what he said with “there’s always something you can do and succeed at”.
It can be cleaning up your house (something I wish I was good at), cooking a great meal (props if EVERYONE loves it too), gardening and growing your own fruits and vegetables (it’s not easy having a green thumb), spending time with your animals (kudos to you walking), completing a workout (and hey, that means you’re exercising), phone calls and emails (your business is on the verge/or is already booming), this list can easily go on forever.
Reject Negativity and Stay Positive
But you get the point. An accomplishment, no matter how big or small is just that – AN ACCOMPLISHMENT, a SUCCESS. So never second guess yourself, and by all means – don’t let anyone second guess you either. As my good friend Debbie used to say “I reject all negativity” – and she was absolutely spot on. Reject negativity and just stay positive.
And now I leave you with Stephen Hawking’s words of wisdom. Happy Monday my friends and have a blessed day 🙂
“However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at.”
Stephen Hawking