Love Fulfills Dreams – Day 38 of the Love Dare

love dare day 38 - love fulfills dreams

Day 38 – Love Fulfills Dreams

Love Fulfills Dreams – Day 38 of the Love Dare. Overwhelm your spouse with love and exceed all their expectations with your surprise kindness – a surprising kindness that reflects thoughtfulness and a heart willing to express itself with extravagance. Don’t be one of those people who have regrets later on in life, of not loving others more fully. Just do it now – now is your chance.

Day 38 – Love Fulfills Dreams

“Delight yourself in the Lord; and He will give you the desires of your heart”
Psalm 37:4

THE DARE: Ask yourself what your mate would want if it was obtainable. Commit this to prayer, and start mapping out a plan for meeting some (if not all) of their desires, to whatever level you possibly can.


What if the one thing your husband or wife said you’d never be able to do for them, suddenly became the next thing you did? Love needs to be extravagant – to go all out on. Just set aside the technicalities, open the gates of generosity, and bless someone out of sheer delight. Put your heart all into doing this one thing for your mate.

God loves with extravagance and we are called to give that same kind of extravagant love – to give more than we’re asked to give, to go that extra mile, and to greatly exceed what is expected.


We are all sinners and do bad things. Sometimes unintentionally, sometimes out of fear, sometimes out of habit. And in these bad times, God has given us grace and mercy. When you turn to Him and ask for forgiveness – He forgives you, He looks at you with love, He wants you back.

God wants you to be a happy, cheerful, hilarious giver just like Himself. And be one to give in abundance out of pure delight.

Does everything your spouse wants have to cost money?

  • Perhaps they have a project they’ve been dreaming of for years
  • Maybe your wife just wants to spend some time with her husband, or maybe a little attention
  • Maybe your wife wants to be treated like a lady and appreciated – considered a cherished treasure by her husband
  • Does your husband want some greater respect?
  • Maybe your husband wants you to surprise him with a kiss, a love note, his favorite meal and dessert, or the assurance he’s still your main man.


Dreams and Desires – They come in all shapes and sizes – but love thinks lavishly while taking notice of each one.

  • Discover what your mate is really hoping for really needing if you listen between the lines.
  • Think about what is unique about your relationship and remember those special things
  • Even if it’s more convenient to wait – give now
  • Daydream about opportunities so often that planning surprises becomes second nature

Don’t wait and have regrets later on in life because you didn’t love others more fully. Just do it now – now is your chance.

Did you like Love Fulfills Dreams – Day 38 of the Love Dare Challenge?  Let me know what you think.  And if you missed any of the other days, check out the The Love Dare series here, where I’ll be going through the 40 days myself.  Much love 🙂

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