Inflammation and Joint Pain Relief Smoothie

Liver Cleanse Smoothie for Joint Pain
Inflammation and Joint Pain Relief Smoothie. Fight inflammation from the inside out by focusing on foods that have anti-inflammatory enzymes – foods like tomatoes, olive oil, leafy greens, fruits and berries, citrus, fish rich in omega 3 fatty acids, ginger, garlic and turmeric. More specifically tart cherries, pineapple and lemon as they are super potent in the anti-inflammatory department.
And one of the best and easiest way to ensure you get a few of these foods into your diet is with the Inflammation and Joint Pain Relief Smoothie highlighted here. It contains inflammation fighting foods and spices, along with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals – you honestly can’t go wrong with this smoothie. So blend this pain relief smoothie up today. It’s perfect for breakfast or an afternoon snack and your body will seriously thank you
Grapefruit – are rich in vitamin C, which aids in preventing inflammatory arthritis and maintaining healthy joints
Oranges – contain fiber and folate; has vitamin C which is essential for immune system function, strong connective tissue, and healthy blood vessels
Cranberries – are anti-inflammatory and packed with antioxidants.
Pineapple – contains fiber, potassium, vitamin C; and bromelain, a protein-digesting enzyme known for its anti-inflammatory properties.
Watercress – contains dietary nitrates, which boost blood vessel health by reducing inflammation and decreasing the stiffness and thickness of your blood vessels
Arugula / Greens – contains indole-3-carbinol and isothiocyanates, of which both of these bioactive compounds have been shown to suppress the production of inflammatory mediators
Inflammation and Joint Pain Relief Smoothie
thank you rawedibles for the recipe
Ingredients: (serves 1)
2 Grapefruit
1 Orange
1 c Cranberries
1 c Pineapple
1 bunch Watercress
1 c Leafy greens – Arugula
Let me know what you think. Are you looking for other smoothie recipes? Visit our SMOOTHIE & JUICING page for more delicious blends. Ciao 🙂