Honor – Day 15 Of The Love Dare. Choose to show greater honor to your spouse above your normal tendency, by listening more attentively and respectfully
Day 15 – Love Is Honorable
You husbands … live with your wives in an understanding way … and show her honor as a fellow heir
of the grace of life ~ 1 Peter 3:7
THE DARE – choose to begin showing greater honor to your spouse above your normal tendency. Begin by listening more attentively and respectfully to your husband or wife. Let your mate see how you can give greater weight to their words and requests. Show that he or she is receiving higher esteem in your eyes than before.

To HONOR someone means to give them respect and high esteem, to treat them as being special and of great worth. When you speak to them, you choose your words carefully. You are more courteous and polite. When they speak to you, you give their words valuable weight and significance. You willingly go the extra mile to accommodate them if at all possible, simply out of respect for who they are. Out of honor.
As we’re showing in Honor – Day 15 Of The Love Dare, The Bible speaks often of honor. Husbands are told to show honor to their wives, and wives to show respect to their husbands. This is a fundamental key to the health and strength of your marriage. We are not told to honor our spouse only if they deserve it, but because honoring them is right, because of their special position in our lives. Honoring your mate means giving them your full attention, not talking to them without paying attention.
But there’s another word related to honor that calls us to a higher place. It actually forms the basis for honor – that word is HOLY. Holiness means they are set apart for a higher purpose. A person who has become holy to you has a place no one can rival in your heart. He or she is sacred to you, a person to be more honored, praised, and defended.
When two people marry, each spouse becomes holy to each other by the way of holy matrimony. Your relationship is like no other. Your heart, possessions, and life to be beautifully interwoven in the uncommon bond you share with this one individual. This is by Gods design and should be your daily goal and desire.
Is that the way it is in your marriage? Would your husband say you honor and respect him? Do you consider your wife to be set apart and highly prized? Holy?
Love treats it’s beloved as special and sacred
Love positively acts, it doesn’t negatively react. It chooses to honor even when it’s rejected. Love treats it’s beloved as special and sacred even when an ungrateful attitude is all it gets in return.
When your attempts at honor go unreciprocated, you are to be honorable just the same, seeking ways to give honor to your spouse. That’s what love dares to do – to say, “of all the relationships I have, I will value ours the most. For all the people for whom I’m willing to sacrifice, I will sacrifice the most for you. With all your failures, sins, mistakes, and faults, past and present – I still choose the God honoring way to a better marriage and a better life. I choose to love you.”
That’s how you create an atmosphere in your marriage for love to be rekindled.
Did you like Honor – Day 15 Of The Love Dare 40 Day Challenge? Let me know what you think. And if you missed any of the other days, check out the The Love Dare series here, where I’m going through the 40 days myself. Much love 🙂