The ABC List Of The Healthiest Vegetables: C for CABBAGE, CARROTS, CAULIFLOWER, CELERY, COLLARD GREENS. The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth Series, vegetables that begin with the letter C and are packed with nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants – all of which are great for your health. This series is based on the book by Jonny Bowden, and is a recipe for healthy living that hopefully everyone will take to heart like I have. The 150 Healthiest Foods On Earth Series has been divided into food groups with this post being all about the vegetables – veggies that begin with the letter C. You’ll be amazed at how eating the right foods is just like having a pharmacy in your fridge and pantry.
If you missed any of the previous vegetables, read up on them here at the ABC LIST OF THE HEALTHIEST FOODS. Enjoy 🙂
The cabbage family is one of the most important vegetables for their nutritional benefits and cancer fighting abilities.
Breast cancer and cabbage – cabbage contains phytochemicals called idoles. These indoles alter estrogen metabolisms in a favorable way, one that is likely to reduce the risk of breast cancer.
But the anticancer benefits of cabbage doesn’t stop with the indoles. Other phytochemicals that are in huge amounts in cabbage are dithiolethiones, isothiocynates and sulforaphane. Sulforaphane increases the production of certain enzymes which can disarm damaging free radicals and help fight carcinogens, which may reduce the risk of prostate cancer.
The same holds true for red or purple cabbage as far as the anthocyanins (which is what makes the pigment in blueberries blue, red cabbage red, and other colorful fruits such as grapes and berries). Anthocyanins belong to a group of plant compounds called flavonoids, which have bioactive properties, including acting as powerful antioxidants.
The anthocynanins’ ability to act as antioxidants and fight free radicals, make them powerful weapons against cardiovascular disease.
On top of the phytochemical powers, cabbage is packed with vitamins and minerals. It contains calcium, magnesium, potassium, vit C, vit K, beta-carotene, and the eye healthy carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, and fiber. One cup of cooked cabbage gives you almost 4 g of fiber (1 cup raw gives you 2 g). Plus its one of the lowest calorie foods around.
I’m not a big fan of cabbage, but now knowing the benefits of this vegetable I am certainly going to incorporate it into my families diet.
Did you know that as little as one carrot a day could possibly cut your rate of lung cancer in half?
Carrots are high in carotenoids, antioxidant compounds found in plants that are associated with a wide range of health benefits.
Beta-carotene’s are one, but only one of about 500 members of the carotenoid family. High carotenoid intake has been associated with a decrease of up to 50% in bladder, cervix, prostate, colon, larynx and esophageal cancer, as well as up to 20% decrease in post menopausal breast cancer. Carrots are also high in alpha-carotene, another carotenoid that has health benefits of its own. A recent study shows that alpha-carotene may be more powerful than beta-carotene in inhibiting tumor growth.
There’s a beneficial association between eating fruits and vegetables high in carotenoids, which equates to less cardiovascular disease, less prostate, lung, stomach, colon, breast, cervix and pancreatic cancer.
And that old saying that carrots are good for your eyes? Its true!! They are high in lutein and zeaxanthin, and when working together have shown to help in preventing macular degeneration and cataracts. Both alpha-carotene and beta-carotene convert in the body to vitamin A (which is a great antioxidant and immune system stimulator) but it promotes the formation of a urple pigment in the eye called rhodosin. And Rhodosin is needed by the eye – and if not given enough, will actually lead to night blindness.
3 medium carrots contain 60mg of calcium, 586 mg of potassium, a little bit of magnesium, phosporus, vit C, and huge amount of 30,000 IU’s of vit A, including 15,000 units of beta-carotene and 6,000 of alpha-carotene. Plus 5g of fiber.
JUICING CARROTS – carrots are often used as part of a detoxification program. Be aware that you use lots of carrots when juicing, plus your removing the fiber, both of which increase the concentration of sugar. Try juicing with some low-sugar vege’s like spinach and broccoli.
Cauliflower is a member of the brassica or cabbage family, and contains indoles – the potent cancer fighter. It also contains sulforaphane, a breakdown product of compounds in the cauliflower called glucosinolates. While glucosinolates typically have low anti-cancer activity, sulforaphane has plenty! Sulforaphane is a chemical in plants called isothiocyanates and is a potent antioxidant and stimulator of natural detoxifying enzymes in the body. Within minutes of being eaten, sulforaphane enters the bloodstream and turbocharges the body’s antioxidant defense systems. Once it reaches the cells, it activates detoxification enzymes into the liver, which disarms carcinogenic molecules and helps remove them from the cells. Sulforaphanes, isothiocyanates and indoles is believe to be responsible for lowering the risk of cancer. So eat your cauliflower, kale, cabbage, broccoli and broccoli sprouts.
1 cup of cauliflower is very low in calories, contains 3 g of fiber, 50 mg of vit C, 176 mg of potassium and 55 meg of folate.
Bet you didn’t know that celery is great for appetite control? Put some almond butter or natural peanut butter on it for a kiw-sugar snack. Chewing it stimulates saliva and can aid in digestion. Plus add it some fresh juice.
Its also the #1 medicinal food for treating high blood pressure. Just eat 4 stalks, it may lower your blood pressure by 12-14%. The substance in celery that seem to produce the benefit are phytochemicals called phthalides. They work by relaxing the muscle tissue in artery walls and therefore increasing blood flow. Phthalide also lowers levels of stress hormones.
Celery if also a great source of silicon, which is an important nutrient for bone health. Because of its silicon content, celery can help renew joints, bones, arteries, and all connected tissue.
It also has an ingredient called acetylenics, which has been shown to stop the growth of cancer cells. It also contains phenolic acids, which has been shown to block the actions of prostaglandins, which are known to encourage the growth of cancerous tumors.
Try this juice – a few stalks of celery, 1 pear and a couple inches of gingerroot.
They are a member of the cruciferous vegetable and provides cancer fighting phytochemicals. 1 cup of collards provides almost the same amount of calcium as 8 oz of milk, and 5 g of fiber. Plus it has magnesium, phosphorus, more than 200 mg of potassium (for the heart), vit C, and a ton of vitamins A and K. It also has beta-carotene. Plus it has a large amount of lutein and zeaxanthin, two carotenoids for eye health.
Well there you go – THE TOP 5 “C” GROUP OF THE HEALTHIEST VEGETABLES. Incorporate them into your weekly menu and see how strong and healthy you feel. As my mom used to say ……. enjoy your veggie’s 🙂
Click the link for the remaining alphabet on the Healthiest Foods In The World