Happy Digestion Smoothie for a Healthy Gut

Healthy Gut Pineapple Avocado Smoothie
Happy Digestion Smoothie For A Healthy Gut – Healing and Restoring Your Gut can be done without wasting money on products that basically don’t work – it can be done with the foods you eat. And to ensure you get all those gut healing and restoring foods, just grab a handful of the recipes ingredients and blend them together into a delicious tasting SMOOTHIE.
Whether is be a smoothie packed with healthy fats, protein, probiotics, good bacteria, fiber, omega-3s, vitamin rich and/or anti-inflammatory foods – a blend of these healing and restoring ingredients will do wonders for your gut. So just make this Happy Digestion Smoothie today and enjoy the great taste … your gut will thank you. Enjoy 🙂
Spinach – high in fiber which feeds healthy bacteria in your gut that helps reduce inflammation and promotes digestive health
Pineapple – contains bromelain, which makes it easy for us to digest and absorb nutrients and has anti-inflammatory properties that help ease stomachaches
Coconut Water – helps for quick digestion and prevents bloating, and improves digestive functions
Parsley – helps settle your stomach, and contains compounds that enable you to remove gas from your body
Avocado– a superfood packed with fiber and nutrients such as potassium, which promotes healthy digestive functions
Probiotic Powder – is live bacteria and yeasts that are good for you, especially your digestive system. They’re called “good” or “helpful” bacteria because they help keep your gut healthy
Ginger – helps your gut move food through the intestines so it doesn’t sit and ferment, bloat and cause pain
Banana’s – a rich source of probiotics that promote the growth of good bacteria and a good source of prebiotic fibe
Thank you Ohsheglows for the recipe base
1 c frozen Pineapple chunks
1 large frozen Banana
1/2 c Water
1/2 c Coconut water
1/2 c packed fresh Parsley leaves
1/2 Avocado
handful of baby Spinach
1 tsp packed fresh grated Ginger
1/4 tsp Probiotic Powder, optional
Add all ingredients into a blender and blend on the highest speed until smooth.