Guilty Pleasures – Why We Have Them and Why We Should Embrace Them. We’ve grown up believing there are certain things in life that are bad for us, things we should just not do. Whether it be eating bad things, dressing a certain way, reading bad materials, you get the idea. And if we enjoy doing any of these “bad” things, we are made to feel guilty and usually keep our pleasures a secret as we are afraid of being judged or rejected by others.
But come on – guilty pleasures are often one of life’s biggest pleasures and should be nothing to feel embarrassed about. Admit them regardless of what others may think or say and EMBRACE THEM as it will help build confidence in who you are.
So how can these guilty pleasures be a good thing?
If your guilty pleasure is an occasional slice of pie late at night or a hot toddy before bed – just do it !! If they help you feel better about yourself … just go for it. There’s a reason why we call them comfort foods – they COMFORT YOU !! Not someone else – just YOU. NONE OF YOUR GUILTY PLEASURES HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH ANYONE ELSE – free yourself up from the guilt and just enjoy them.
If your guilty pleasure is something you wholehearted love doing like a hobby – stop hiding from it and just EMBRACE it, as it will make you feel better about yourself, will build your confidence in who you are, and may just be what you want out of life. This could be a life changer for you !!
- Find people that are like minded. If you share your hobby you’ll most likely find others who enjoy doing the same thing as you and you just may open yourself up to a whole new group of friends.
- Helps you to relax. Your hobby may help you unwind from the stress of everyday burdens and happenings. And by immersing yourself in what you like doing helps you relax and stay focused on what really matters … YOU !!
- Inspires Others. Once you embrace what you really love doing, you emit self confidence and carry it with you in your everyday activities, like your job or relationship. People notice, people take note. And this just may get your friends to follow in your footsteps.
So what is your guilty pleasure? Mine is CHOCOLATE DONUTS – better yet, CHOCOLATE COVERED CUSTARD OR BAVARIAN CREAM DONUTS !! I know I won’t be inspiring others or become a life changer for anyone or myself – but it is something I wholeheartedly enjoy indulging in every once in a while. It comforts me and you can’t take it from me 🙂