God’s Word – Day 36 of the Love Dare

day 36 of the Love Dare

Day 36 – Love is God’s Word

God’s Word – Day 36 Of The Love Dare.  Commit to reading the Bible as it is the most beloved and powerful book. No other book has enlightened so much darkness, educated ignorance, propagated love, reprimanded evil, or accurately predicted the future. It explains how we can know God here – and in eternity when we die.

Day 36 – Love is God’s Word

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”
Psalm 119:105

THE DARE: Commit to reading the Bible every day. Find a devotional book or other resources that will give you some guidance. If your spouse is open to it, see if they will commit to daily Bible reading with you. Begin submitting each area of your life to its guidance and start building on the rock.


Reading the Bible will take commitment. You can read it on your own, or better yet – together with your spouse. FIND THE TIME – MAKE THE TIME – MAKE IT A DAILY HABIT. So how can you keep this commitment with the ongoing and craziness of everyday life? Easy !!

BE IN IT – Begin by reading a portion of the Bible every day. Pick a time and stick with it. Whether it be first thing in the morning, after dinner meals, or before bed. Get into the pattern and it will become habitual.
STAY UNDER IT – Yes, the Bible can be hard to understand. This is why you should attend a church where His teachings are preached. Or in a Bible study group. By hearing what God is saying and having it explained to you, helps you to get a broader, more balanced view and an understanding of His words.
LIVE IT – The Bible is a living book because the Holy Spirit still resonates within its words, because the author is still alive, and because it becomes a part of who you are – how you think – what you do. Make it your rock of foundation.

marriage and the Bible

When your home is founded on the rock of God’s word, you have His promise He will not destroy it. God has a plan for everything and He reveals His plans in His words.


Are you new to reading the Bible? Or have you tried before and stopped because it was too overwhelming, or maybe didn’t understand it? Don’t give up – pick up The Book and just start again. And even tho you may not fully understand, just completely trust God’s words. He will not fail you.

If you have the desire to learn God’s words, He will guide you to make the connections between what you’re reading, how it applies to you, and the secrets on how to wisely handle the issues of everyday life.

Build your life and marriage on the solid rock of the Bible – and then plan on a stronger future.

Did you like God’s Word – Day 36 of the Love Dare Challenge?  Let me know what you think.  And if you missed any of the other days, check out the The Love Dare series here, where I’ll be going through the 40 days myself.  Much love 🙂

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