Delight – Day 14 of the Love Dare. Enjoy some quality time with your spouse, especially something they love doing.
Day 14 – Love Takes Delight
Enjoy life with the wife you love all the days of your fleeting life ~ Ecclesiates 9:9
Purposely neglect an activity you would normally do so you can spend quality time with your spouse. Do something he or she would love to do or a project they’d really like to work on. Make the choice to enjoy your time together.

Don’t waste your life chasing fantasy. You get to determine what is most attractive and appealing to you. You can choose to enjoy and take overwhelming delight right now in the priceless treasure.
One of the most important things you should learn on your Love Dare journey is you should not just follow your heart, you should lead it. Don’t let your feelings and emotions do the driving. You put them in the backseat and tell them where you’re going.
Delight in your spouse and to love him or her no matter how long you’ve been married. Left to selfishness and emotion, we’ll always lean toward comparing the weaknesses of our spouse to the strengths of other men or women. We’ll think “my wife is not as respectful and radiant”, or “my husbands not as kind and considerate.” But our days are too short to waste focusing on the shadows when we could be enjoying the sunshine.
Instead it’s time to lead your heart to once again, delight in your mate. To decide that the person God uniquely made them be is who you are choosing to love and enjoy. Prize their uniqueness and remember again why you fell in love with his eyes and her personality. Take her hand and seek companionship. Desire his conversation. Accept this person – quirks and all. The Bible does not say a man should marry the woman he loves, but should love the woman he marries.
If you pick at your mate more than you praise them, it’s because you you’ve allowed selfishness in your heart to take over. You’ve lead yourself in the criticism. So lead your heart back out. Learn to delight in your spouse again.
It’s time to enjoy again. To laugh and flirt again. To dream again. Delightfully. If you’ve been delighted before, which you were when you first got married, you can be delighted again, even if it’s been a long time. The responsibility is yours to relearn what you love about the one to whom you’ve promised forever
Did you like Love Take Delight – Day 14 Of The Love Dare 40 Day Challenge? Let me know what you think. And if you missed any of the other days, check out the The Love Dare series here, where I’m going through the 40 days myself. Much love 🙂