Dehydrating Zucchini for Zucchini Powder and Flour

How to Make Your Own Zucchini Powder and Flour
Dehydrating Zucchini for Zucchini Powder and Flour. If any of your garden crops fail, you know you can always count on zucchini to grow in abundance. And honestly, who hasn’t had zucchini hide beneath the leaves only to emerge as baseball bats?
Well I found a few of them this year and rather than toss them into the compost or freeze them (because I already have loads of bags in the freezer), I decided to dry the rounds and grind them up into a powder/flour form. Who’d of thought !!
So now you’re probably wondering – what can I do with zucchini powder or flour. Well for starters, the powder is great for smoothies (which as you can see from my posts – I absolutely love), If you’ve ever added protein powder to a smoothie, then this is just the same – only healthier. The powder can also be used as a replacement for flour in zucchini bread (would only use 1/4 cup for the bread and then the rest with white flour). And then of course the morsels that didn’t get fully ground will make great additions to soups and stews. NO WASTE HERE !!
How did I do this? Well let me tell you it was super easy – gotta love those set it and forget it dehydrators 🙂 So check it out.

- wash zucchini first. Since the squash is over a foot long and pretty thick, I suggest slicing them in half lengthwise. Scrape out the seeds (remember to save a handful for next years crop)
- slice the zucchini into rounds (I was aiming for 1/4″ but my machinist husband said they were closer to 1/8″). The thinner the slices the faster the dehydrating process.
- lay them on a dehydrator tray (I used my big daddy dehydrator for this one)
- set the time for 9 hours for starters and the temperature at 135. Check after 9 hours as you may need a few extra hours depending on your dryer model and the thickness of your zucchini rounds. You want the chips to be completely dried so they’re easy to run through your food processor. So I added an extra 4 hours to the dehydrating process which gave me perfect results.
- once the chips are removed from their trays, run them through your food processor until powder is made. As you can see by the pic, not all the chips were crushed and the remains were chip morsels. So I sifted the powder through a colander to separate the two.
- place contents in an airtight container and use them accordingly.
So there you have it. Pretty easy to do and not a garden item wasted. Let me know if you’ve tried this and what you think. Peace 🙂
Special thanks to The Provident Homemaker
Any zucchini pancake recipes?
I grate my zucchini with the coarse grate on my electric mixer and then dehydrate. Works well for me and no slicing involved.
thats a great idea. Thank you, will have to try this
This is such a great idea!
right??? especially when you’re overloaded with zucchini. I use it a lot when I make soups and smoothies – my favorites.