Covid Mortgage Relief Still Available For Homeowners

$17,000 to $120,000 Grants Still Available for Homeowners Until 9/23/2025 thru NCSHA – National Council of State Housing Agencies
If you’re a homeowner and covid set you back, if you’re behind in your mortgage payments, if you need help with your property taxes, or if you’re in foreclosure proceedings, check out the National Council of State Housing Agencies – the NCSHA for help. Visit their website where they list a state by state resource center for all US states.
So What Exactly Is The HAF – Homeowner Assistance Fund?
The Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF) is a $9.961 billion federal program to help households who are behind on their mortgages and other housing-related expenses due to the impacts of COVID-19. The HAF program is overseen by the U.S. Treasury Department and administered by the states, territories, and tribes.
Nearly every state and territory has launched their HAF programs, and the others are working diligently to get their programs approved and up and running quickly. To help homeowners sooner, some states have been administering pilot assistance programs while they finalize their full HAF programs.
Washington State Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF)
To see if you’re eligible, fill out their simple survey. They will then connects you with a housing counselor who will provide free and confidential support and will assist you with many options. You can call the HAF hotline for help with the application process or you can fill out an application WITHOUT speaking to a councilor.
Are funds available right now?
Funds are available now. Whatever your situation, you should call the Hotline at 1-877‐894‐4663 now to start the process.
Is this a loan? Will I have to pay the money back?
No, HAF assistance is not a loan. Funds would be issued to your creditors to resolve your financial hardship.
Do I need to live at the property I own to receive assistance? What if I own a rental property or second home?
Yes, you must live at the property, and it must have no more than four (4) units. But you should still call the Hotline at 1-877‐894‐4663 to see if other assistance is available for you.
How do I apply? Will someone help me with the application?
Call the Washington Homeownership Hotline now at 1-877‐894‐4663. A housing counselor will support you every step of the way, including with the HAF application.
Does it cost anything to apply?
No. The program and the application are completely free.
What type of materials are needed for the application process?
You’ll need a variety of documents related to your home loan and finances. A housing counselor will help you determine what you need depending on your circumstances. To see what documents are required, click this link – REQUIRED DOCUMENTS
Can I apply to the HAF myself?
Yes, if you are seeking less than $15,000 in total assistance and feel comfortable applying on your own, you can apply here.