Completion – Day 33 Of The Love Dare. Let your spouse know you desire to include them in decisions and you need their perspective and counsel.
Day 33 – Love Completes Each Other
“If two lie down together they keep warm, but how can one be warm alone? ~ Ecclesiastes 4:11
THE DARE ~ Recognize that your spouse is integral to your future success. Let them know today that you desire to include them in your upcoming decisions, and that you need their perspective and counsel. If you have ignored their input in the past, admit your oversight and ask them to forgive you.

Although love must be willing to act alone if necessary, it is always better when it is not just a solo performance. Our natures and temperaments provide balance, enabling us to more effectively complete the tasks before us.
Where one is weak, the other is strong. When one needs building up, the other’s equipped to enhance him, to encourage her. Your two hands don’t just coexist together, they multiply the effectiveness of the other. And to continue succeeding at this level each is not complete without the other.
The Lord intentionally created needs in both of you that the other would be exclusively designed to meet
The Lord intentionally created needs in both of you that the other would be exclusively designed to meet. Although these differences can frequently be the source of misunderstanding and conflict, they have been created by God to be ongoing blessings if we respect them. When we learn to except these distinctions in our mate, we can bypass criticism and go straight to helping and appreciating one another.
But some can’t seem to get past the misunderstandings and conflicts. They can’t tolerate their mates differences. And they suffer many wasted opportunities as a result. They don’t take advantage of the uniqueness that makes each of them more effective when including the other.
God made wives to complete their husbands with insight and discernment – she is his helper
God made wives to complete their husbands. He gives them insight that in and many cases is kept from their men. If this discernment is ignored, it is usually detriment of the men making the decisions. God looked at Adam and said “I will make a helper suitable for him”. The Creator knew what He was doing. He knew that men needed help. They try to function alone but they will simply fall short. So a wife’s title as “helper” to her husband is a high compliment. A husband who has a wife willing to help fulfill God’s assignments for his life is a priceless treasure.
Marriage is one of God’s unique ways of showing both men and women that we’re not all-sufficient in ourselves, that the effectiveness of our marriage is dependent upon both of us working together.
Don’t disqualify your spouses importance in voicing an opinion on matters that affect both of you. God has put you together on purpose. And although you may wind up disagreeing with your spouse’s perspectives, you should still give their views respect and strong consideration.
You need each other. You complete each other.
Did you like Love Completes Each Other– Day 33 of the Love Dare Challenge? Let me know what you think. And if you missed any of the other days, check out the The Love Dare series here, where I’ll be going through the 40 days myself. Much love 🙂