Cherish – Day 11 Of The Love Dare. An unexpected touch, a sincere gesture that says “I cherish you” is the perfect way to warm the heart of your spouse.
Day 11 – Love Cherishes
Husbands ought also to love their own wives as their own bodies ~ Ephesians 5:28
How can you warm the heart of your spouse today? Look for opportunities to bring warrant to the coldness in his or her life. If possible, give them an unexpected, tender touch. Choose a gesture that says, “I cherish you.” And do it with sincerity.

There is a significant bond between a husband and a wife, you are part of one another.
Marriage is a beautiful mystery created by God, joining two lives together as one. This not only happens physically but spiritually and emotionally. You start off sharing the same house, the same bed, the same last name. Your identity as individuals has been joined into one. When you find success at your job, both of you rejoice. When one of you goes thru a tragedy, both of you feel it. But somewhere along the way you experience disappointment and pain. The relationship it’s broken. The sobering reality that you married a very imperfect person sets in.
However this does not change the fact that your spouse is still a part of you. Husbands ought also to love their own wives as their own bodies. He who loves his own wife loves himself, for no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it.
Cherish – Day 11 Of The Love Dare
The word cherish means “to make warm.” Life is cold and unpredictable. Every day stress can wear us down. It is our responsibility, above every other person on the face of this earth, to step in and tenderly touch, caress, and warm the life and heart of our spouse.
Much of this cherishing can be done and how we gently touch or meet in nonsexual ways. Nourishing them with the warmth of your affection. Remember, when you show that to your spouse you are showing love to yourself as well.
But there’s also another side to the coin. When you mistreat your mate, you are also mistreating yourself. Think about it. Your lives are now interwoven together. Your spouse cannot experience joy or pain, blessing or cursing, without it also affecting you. So when you attack your mate, it is like attacking your own body.
It’s time to let love change your thinking. Time to realize that your spouse is as much a part of you is your hand, your eye, or your heart. She too needs to be loved and cherished, and if she has brokenness and issues causing pain and frustration, then you should nourishing and cherish her with the same love and tenderness as you would a bodily injury. If he is wounded in someway, you should think of yourself as an instrument that helps bring warmth and healing to his life.
An unexpected touch, a sincere gesture that says “I cherish you”
Think about how you treat your spouse’s physical body. Do you cherish it as your own? Do you treat it with respect and tenderness? Do you take pleasure in who they are? Just as you guard the safety and well-being of your own body, you should treasure every part of your spouse as a priceless gift.
“He who loves his wife loves himself.” A wife should remember that when she loves him, she is also giving love and honor to herself. When you look at your mate, you’re looking at a part of you. So treat her well. Speak highly of him. Nourishing and cherish the love of your life.
Did you like Love Cherishes – Day 11 Of The Love Dare 40 Day Challenge? Let me know what you think. And if you missed any of the other days, check out the The Love Dare series here, where I’m going through the 40 days myself. Much love 🙂