Canning Pork and Beans – Simple Recipe

Makes 8 Pints – Easy Pork and Beans Recipe
Pork and Beans – Who doesn’t love pork and beans? They’re great when you’re camping, great when you’re hiking, and just great when you’re short on time and looking for a Cowboy dinner. By why stop at dinner. Try dishing out a scoop or two over toast and eggs and have yourself a Cowboy breakfast just like the picture above. So check it out – if you’re looking to can up some pork and beans for storage, then you have to try this easy to make Canning Pork and Beans – Simple Recipe. You won’t be disappointed.
If you grow your own vegetables, grow your own fruit, or raise your own livestock, then I’m sure you already know of the rewards and benefits of having homegrown food at your fingertips. But what if you’re just getting started and are looking for ways to preserve every bit of produce you’ve toiled over the past spring, summer, and fall? If this is you (and it was me) then you have to check out this easy to make Canning Pork and Beans – Simple Recipe. It’s so easy even a beginner canner will nail it.
Canning Pork and Beans – Simple Recipe
thank you canninggranny for this recipe base
4 c Navy beans – washed and sorted
2 lrg Onions – diced
2-15 oz can Tomato sauce
1/2 c Brown Sugar
3/4 tsp Yellow Mustard
4 tbls Molasses
3 c Water
cooked Salt Pork – cubed into 1/2″

First things first – sterilize your jars, the lids and rings, which I do in my dishwasher and then keep there so they stay warm until ready to use.
Add 1/2 cup of prepared beans to each jar and then divide the onions evenly between the 8 jars. Add a couple pieces of pork to each jar.
In a large pot mix the following together – tomato sauce, brown sugar, mustard, molasses and water and bring to a boil. Add a cup of the sauce to each jar and then boiling water close to the rim MAKING SURE TO LEAVE 1″ HEAD SPACE.
Wipe edges of jar rims clean and place a sterilized lid and then a ring on the jar. Place each jar ontop of the rack inside the canner, seal, and pressure can at 10lbs pressure for 75 minutes. Once done carefully remove the canner from the heat and let the pressure release on its own – mine takes 30 minutes. When done, remove the jars and place them on a kitchen towel to cool.