Canning Chicken Barley Soup Recipe

Makes 11 Quarts – Beginner Canning Made Easy
Canning Chicken Barley Soup Recipe. Man, I am on a roll – just loving all the canning “meals” I’m preparing for the upcoming months. And if you like barley, this one here is a keeper. Seeing beef prices have become outrageously high, I decided to substitute the beef with chicken. The hubs loved it – I do as well. Will definitely be making another batch. Give it a try – you won’t be disappointed. Enjoy 🙂
If you grow your own vegetables, grow your own fruit, or raise your own livestock, then I’m sure you already know of the rewards and benefits of having homegrown food at your fingertips. But what if you’re just getting started and are looking for ways to preserve every bit of produce you’ve toiled over the past spring, summer, and fall? If this is you (and it was me) then you have to check out this easy to make Canning Chicken Barley Soup Recipe. It’s so easy even a beginner canner will nail it.
Canning Chicken Barley Soup Recipe
thank you canninggranny for the awesome recipe inspiration
3 pound chicken (I used breasts) cooked and diced
4 Onions, chopped
15 Carrots – large, diced
8 Celery stalks, chopped.
9 Garlic cloves, chopped
1/2 c Green Beans, cut into 1″ pieces
1/2 c Peas (optional)
2 c Pearl Barley
3 Bay Leaves
1 tbls Tarragon
2 tbls Oregano
2 tbls Salt
2 tbls Black pepper
2 tbls chicken broth powder
7 quarts Water

First things first – sterilize your jars, the lids and rings, which I do in my dishwasher and then keep there so they stay warm until ready to use.
Boil the chicken in the 7 quarts of water along with 2 tbls chicken broth, bay leaves, tarragon, oregano, and salt and pepper. Cook for approx 15 minutes or until chicken is no longer pink. Remove the chicken and dice, DO NOT discard the juice.
While the chicken is cooking, mix the garlic, celery, carrots, and onions in a large bowl. Now start filling your jars. Add 2 tbls of pearl barley to each jar, then the vegetable mix so half of the jar is filled, then add the chicken to fill 3/4 of jar. Lastly add the chicken broth (leftover from cooking the chicken and make sure this includes some spices too) and fill the jar to 1 inch below rim.
Wipe edges of jar rims clean, place a sterilized lid on top, and hand tighten it closed with a ring. Place each jar on top of the rack inside the canner, seal, and pressure can at 10lbs pressure for 90 minutes. Once done carefully remove the canner from the heat and let the pressure release on its own – mine takes 30 minutes. Then open the canner lid, remove the jars and place them on a kitchen towel to cool. And there you have it – super easy breezy.
I hope you like the recipe. If you’re looking for more, please check out my other canning recipes here which I will be updating as I make. Happy canning 🙂
From what I have read Pressure canning with spices can be a bad idea. My son used to pressure can spaghetti sauce with all ingredients from the garden and add spices before canning. He said it never tasted like before canning and was not very good. I told him what I had read about pressure canning with spices, except salt and pepper, and this year he tried doing it without spices. He said it is now very good.
I want to use your recipe to can a big batch of soup but I am leery of canning with the spices. I sure would not to want to make 11 quarts of foul tasting soup when I could just add the spices when I open the jar.