So you took the first steps – made the decision to start a blog, found a niche you’re passionate about, chose a blog name, signed up with a host, and laid out your page(s) using their templates.
And now you’re sitting at your keyboard wondering what to post – what’s your next step. If you’re already pretty knowledgeable about website/blog building and have your plan/calendar with all your content ideas laid out, then by all means keep going.
But if you’re a real novice – a true beginner, and this is all really, really new to you – a genuine newbie, just start off simple and slow by following this 31 Days Of Content Blog Plan. It will get you thinking, get you into the flow of creating, and will provide some interesting read to your readers. You can follow this plan in lieu of your niche content or in addition to your niche content. Either way, it will get you in the habit of posting consistently – and in this case … every day.
Try it and let me know what you think. Here are your 31 Days Of Content 🙂
Who are you – Introduce Yourself
2. What is your daily affirmation
3. Why did you start your blog & chose the name
4. When are you the most creative
5. What is your favorite childhood memory
6. What is your ONE guilty pleasure
7. What are your 3 personality traits you’re proud of
8. What are your 5 favorite foods
9. Where was your first memorable vacation taken
10. What are your regrets
11. Who is your celebrity crush
12. What is your proudest moment
13. What you would do if you won the lottery
14. What is your favorite quote
15. Who is your favorite artist
16. Where and how do you spend most of your day
17. What would your dream job be
18. What is your favorite book
19. What are you afraid of
20. What are your bad habits
21. Where do you want to be in 10 years
22. What is something you miss
23. What are your top 10 songs
24. What are your pet peeves
25. Where did you meet your partner
26. What are your best physical features
27. Who are your 5 favorite bloggers
28. What always makes you feel better
29. Where would you like to live
30. What are the top things on your bucket list
31. Who is your role model