Post Workout Blueberry Smoothie

post workout blueberry smoothie

Post Workout Blueberry Smoothie with a Bite

The majority of the featured Post Workout Smoothies are made with fruits and vegetables that are rich in Vitamins A and C, Vitamins B, Vitamins D and D3, Vitamin K, and Omega-3 fatty acids. Plus Zinc, Calcium, an HMB Supplement, and so much more. Combine them all together and you’ve got yourself one powerhouse smoothie that will help improve exercise adaptations, muscle recovery, and reduced muscle loss.

So what are the ingredients for this delicious Post Workout Blueberry Smoothie? Keep reading


Pears – have fructose to help restore your energy to normal levels; contain Vitamins B, C, and K, potassium, small but excellent amounts of calcium, folic acid, copper, and magnesium, along with potassium to help recover any nutrients lost during sweat and to reduce inflammation after a workout
Avocado – gives you monounsaturated fat for repairing muscle and B vitamins to jump-start your metabolism and reduce muscle soreness; also contains potassium, along with Vitamins C and K
Blueberries – can notably reduce inflammation, especially after a strenuous exercise; they’re rich in bioflavonoids that fight free radicals and help to reduce inflammation in the body; they also contain polyphenols, a group of plant-based antioxidants that help reduce muscle pain and reduce inflammation. Contain fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, manganese, and potassium
Spinach – is rich in potassium and magnesium, which are key electrolytes that the body needs to recover and helps to keep your potassium levels at a healthy level to prevent muscle cramps; contains Vitamins B6, B9, C, E, and K; packs the minerals folic acid, iron, and calcium along with well-needed carotenoids
Turmeric – contains the active compound curcumin which has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties; studies have shown curcumin may potentially accelerate muscle recovery (1); it’s rich in Vitamin C and B6, and other antioxidants; plus it’s an excellent source of Manganese, Iron, Potassium, Omega-3 fatty acids, and Dietary fiber
HMB Supplement Powder – helps maintain muscle mass, build strength and support healthy sustained muscle function,
Vitamin D3 – can help with faster muscle recovery after intense exercise and may even prevent muscle damage caused by the exercise; Vitamin D Promotes Skeletal Muscle Regeneration and Mitochondrial Health. Vitamin D is an essential nutrient for the maintenance of skeletal muscle and bone health
Oat Milk – is a great choice for post-workout recovery because of its carb, fiber, and protein content; contains thiamin and folate, both B vitamins which are important for energy production; also contains the necessary minerals copper, zinc, manganese, riboflavin, potassium, and magnesium; plus trace amounts of vitamins D and A IU, riboflavin
Hemp Milk – contains gamma-linolenic acid, an omega-6 fatty acid that acts as an anti-inflammatory; a good source of Vitamin A, Calcium, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Iron, Phosphorus, and Zinc

If you need to purchase a Muscle Strength and Restore Formula Supplement, make sure the supplement powder includes HMB (which is essential for sore muscles) and some Vitamin D3 capsules with at least 5000 IU (soft gels are best as you can drop one right into your blender). Together they help repair and rebuild sore muscles. You can purchase them here HMB and VITAMIN D3 or at LIFE EXTENSIONS.

Makes 1 large Serving

1/2 Pear
1/2 Avocado
1 c Blueberries
1 c Spinach
1 tsp Turmeric
1/2 to 1 tsp Black Pepper
1 scoop HMB Supplement Powder
1 gelcap Vitamin D3
1/2 c Oat Milk
1/2 c Hemp Milk

Combine all ingredients in a blender until smooth. Add ice for your desired smoothie consistency. (you can add 1 cup of either Oat Milk or Hemp Milk)

Let me know what you think.  Are you looking for more post-workout recovery smoothie recipes?  Visit our SMOOTHIE & JUICING page for more delicious blends.  Ciao 🙂

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