Bell Peppers and Chorizo Omelet

Low-Cal Low-Carb Breakfast Recipe – 421 Calories 10g Carbs
Bell Peppers and Chorizo Omelet. Low-calorie low-carb breakfast dish made for the bone broth diet and for weight loss. This omelet is perfect for breakfast as it has all the protein you need to get your day started.
It’s a quick and easy breakfast meal, made with only 4 ingredients – chorizo, red peppers, green peppers, and eggs – and only 421 calories and 10g carbs.
Bell Peppers and Chorizo Omelet

Bell Peppers and Chorizo Omelet
1 Serving – 421 calories 10g carbs
1/2 link of Pork Chorizo, sliced
2 strips Red Pepper, cut in half
2 strips Green Pepper, cut in half
2 eggs, mixed with 1 tbls water
1 tbls Olive Oil
Heat olive oil in pan, cook the strips of red pepper, green pepper, and chorizo in the oil. Remove and set aside. Add the eggs to the pan and cook until set. Add the peppers and chorizo to half the egg mix and flip the other half over the top. Cook until everything is set.
Place on a plate and enjoy.
This dish was made especially for the Bone Broth Diet. If you’d like more information for this diet, click the BONE BROTH DIET link. And for more low calorie low carb breakfast dishes, check our the BREAKFAST RECIPE link.