Banana and Almond Milk Smoothie For Constipation

Constipation Relief with a Banana Almond Milk Smoothie
Banana and Almond Milk Smoothie For Constipation. Are you one of the 17% of the population suffering from constipation? It’s uncomfortable, you’re experiencing cramps, you feel bloated and gassy. And yes, you can easily take a laxative as a safe remedy. But if constipation occurs regularly and you’re still relying on laxatives, these laxatives can lead to some really bad health issues as they cause electrolyte disturbances, dehydration and mineral deficiencies. And if they’re used long-term, they can do permanent damage to the digestive system.
So knowing this, why not try a daily drink that contains FIBER, SORBITOL AND WATER – all of which can help relieve constipation and can help to get you regular.
FIBER helps with regular bowel function: SOLUABLE FIBER which absorbs water and makes stools softer and INSOLUABLE FIBER which does not absorb water but helps move waste material through the bowels.
SORBITOL – a sugar alcohol that brings water into the large intestine, helps make loose stools making it easier to move through the digestive tract.
WATER – to prevent dehydration and helps to keep food waste soft and moving easily through your digestive system.
And now that you’ve discovered this Banana and Almond Milk Smoothie, simply grab the ingredients and blend it up today. It was created specifically for constipation issues and has all the necessary ingredients that can help you get things moving along.
Apples – are loaded with pectin fiber, which has an amphoteric action that can provide relief from both constipation and diarrhea
Banana – contain soluable fiber that absorbs water and helps stools stay soft; ripe bananas help relieve constipation
Almond Milk – is an excellent source of proteins and healthy fats; packed with fiber to help ease constipation
Raisins – are high in fiber and act as natural laxatives when soaked in water; eating them regularly not only helps prevent constipation but also keeps your digestion process strong
Honey – has a mild laxative effect which can help combat constipation and bloating; is also rich in friendly bacteria which act as a probiotic to keep the digestive and immune system healthy
Flaxseed Oil – is a great source of fiber, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids, and both soluable and insoluble fiber
Lecithin Granules – helps improve digestion; improves the mucus in your intestine, making the digestive process easier and protecting the delicate lining of your digestive system
Apple Smoothie with Banana and Almond Milk – for Constipation
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1-2 small Apples cut into wedges
1 Banana
1 c Almond milk
¼ c or less of Raisins soaked overnight
1 tsp Honey
1-2 cubes of ice
1-tsp Lecithin granules
2 tbls Flax seed oil
Mix all the ingredients in your blender, add ice for desired consistency