Apple Smoothie for Energy and Focus

Focus and Energy Smoothie
Apple Smoothie for Energy and Focus. Studies suggest that when you sip apple juice it increases the production of neurotransmitters in your brain, which in turn improves your memory. And add some Chaga to the mix and you’ve got yourself a great energy boosting smoothie.
So instead of reaching for another cup of coffee or worse yet – a commercial brand “energy drink”, blend up this quick smoothie that YOU know is filled with nourishing fruits and vegetables !! This Apple Smoothie is made specifically for FOCUS and ENERGY – one that is as good for you as it is delicious. It’s made with nutrients and enzymes, and loaded with protein, vitamins and antioxidants to feed every cell in your body. Enjoy your dink and bottoms up to more energy and a clearer mind.
Apple – great source of slow-release energy, plus they contain vitamin C and B and potassium to give you the much needed boost
Banana – best foods for energy; are an excellent source of carbohydrates, potassium and vitamin B6, all of which helps boost energy levels in the body
Broccoli – contains Vitamin K and sulforaphane which helps to strengthen and improve cognitive abilities; and Choline which helps improve memory
Dates – A serving of power-packed dates contains 31 grams of carbohydrates making them a powerhouse of energy; these carbs include 3 grams of dietary fiber and 29 grams of naturally occurring sugars such as fructose, glucose and sucrose to provide quick energy
Almond Milk – packed with vitamin E and magnesium, contain lots of protein for sustained energy
Lemon -are detoxifiers and will cleanse your blood, liver, and kidneys, thereby increasing your energy levels
Chaga – the King of Energy, is rich in fiber and essential nutrients, including vitamin D, iron, magnesium, potassium, manganese, and calcium; is believed to fight inflammation, lower blood sugar, reduce blood pressure, alleviate arthritis, and even prevent or slow the progression of cancer
Apple Smoothie for Energy and Focus
thank you Julie Morris for this recipe base
2 Apples (juiced preferred)
1 Banana
1 1/2 c frozen Broccoli
2 tbls Lemon Juice
3/4 c Almond Milk
2 Dates, chopped
1 tsp Chaga Powder
Blend almond milk and broccoli first, then add the remaining ingredients and blend until smooth. Add ice to reach your desired smoothie consistency