Spirulina – The Supplement that Naturally Heals Acne

Heal Your Acne With Spirulina
Spirulina – The Supplement that Naturally Heals Acne. What is Spirulina? Spirulina is a Super Food – a blue-green algae that has excellent nutritional content and health benefits for ACNE. Its anti-inflammatory properties help reduce swelling, acne, and prevent further breakouts. It also increases your skin’s metabolism which enables faster healing and preventing bacteria overgrowth.
Chlorophyll – and its importance for healing acne
When you add Spirulina to your diet to help with your acne, you’re also adding another great ingredient called Chlorophyll. So why is Chlorophyll important for acne? Because it’s loaded with Vitamin E – which helps balance your hormones while stimulating testosterone production (acne causing), it helps with Candida (also an acne cause), and helps rejuvenate your skin cells.
Other ingredients found in Spirulina, that are great for healing acne, are Zinc (a great nutrient for acne prone skin), Omega-3 fatty acids (which is also important for clear skin), Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, and Vitamins C and B’s.
8 Vegetables with Chlorophyll
You can get chlorophyll when you add these 8 vegetables to your daily diet – Bokchoy, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Green Bell Peppers, Parsley, Romaine Lettuce, Spinach, and Wheatgrass – and I would highly suggest it. But you can also get Chlorophyll by adding Spirulina to your daily diet as well.
And one of the best ways of adding Chlorophyll and Spirulina to help heal your acne is in a daily smoothie. This can be done by making smoothies with Parsley, Lettuce, and my favorite … Spinach.
Spirulina – The Supplement that Naturally Heals Acne
But if you aren’t a big fan of parsley, lettuce and spinach in your drink, then get SPIRULINA IN POWDER FORM – (click the link below for jars at great prices.) I now add 2 tbls of Spirulina to my sons daily morning smoothie and he is having great results – which really makes me smile seeing he’s been struggling with acne for a few years. However if you’re just starting off – just add 1 tbls to see how your body reacts to it, as the Spirulina will have a big impact.
Great Prices for Powder Form Spirulina – ranging from $15 to $25
I’ve never heard of this supplement for acne before. I am definitely going to have to try this since I have acne.
Thank you – My son was dealing with his acne during the spring and this was our best discovery ever. He liked it so much he took my 2 cans with him when he moved out
I have used spirulina before, but I had no idea it helps with skin problems. Have to start taking it again as wearing a mask has my skin breaking out often.
I didn’t realize how beneficial spirulina could be for the skin, or that it could naturally heal acne! I definitely need to look more into this and try it out myself.
It’s very helping stuff with insights to fight acne with SPIRULINA supernatural food.
I didn’t know that there were things that we can use to naturally heal acne. I need to share this with my friend who has too many.
I’ve never heard about Spirulina before, so this was an interesting discover. Thank you for sharing!
This sounds like a really great natural supplement! I would love to this product a try. It sounds really amazing!
cute & little
Omg I didn’t know that much helpful ! Thank you