Fitness Friday – Get Started, Get Moving

“Just suck it up. And one day you won’t have to suck it in”
Fitness Friday – Get Started … Get Moving – “Just suck it up. And one day you won’t have to suck it in” – WORD !!
You know they say the perfect time to start something never arrives. This is so true. How many times have we told ourselves – today’s Friday so I’ll start working out on Monday. Or this months almost over, best to start my workout program next month on the 1st. Why? Because it looks good on paper?
No more excuses. You see all that I’ve got going on – the dogs, the housework, the husband, the gardens, the canning, the cooking …. need I continue? So if I can find the time to workout for 15-20 minutes a day, then so can you.
Straight up – NO EXCUSES. If you can’t get to a gym – workout in your living room. If you don’t have a treadmill – go outside and WALK. If you’re just starting out – go slow and only do stretches.
Fitness Friday – Get Started … Get Moving
Come on – no more excuses. If you’re looking for a beginners workout program I can help. Check out the the 30 Day Workout Plan For Beginners. It’s a great plan to start. It only takes 20 minutes a day, it introduces your muscles to movement, gets them accustom to stretching, and will prepare you for a more aggressive, but not too extreme, workout plan to follow up with in the next 30 days.
And if you need a workout buddy, click this link and it will take you to Day 1 of my 30 day workout playlist on youtube and we can exercise together. Day 1 to Day 30 – it’s all there. But keep in mind this was my first video series and the vids are not of best quality. I’m nervous, the lighting is not good, and I’m definitely not liking the camera. So just hang in there with me and I promise the next ones will be better.
So again – NO EXCUSES – let’s get moving together. 🙂