Satisfied in God – Day 21 of The Love Dare

day 21 of the love dare - love is satisfied in God

Day 21 – Love is Satisfied in God

The Love Dare 40 Day Challenge

Satisfaction – Day 21 of The Love Dare.  Read your Bible and immerse yourself in God’s love and find rest in the promise and peace He has for you.

Day 21 – Love Is Satisfied In God

The Lord will continually guide you, and satisfy your desires ~ Isaiah 58:11

THE DARE – Be intentional today about making a time to pray and read your Bible. Try reading a chapter out of Psalms or Proverbs each day, or reading a chapter in the Gospel Book of John. As you do, immerse yourself in God’s love and find rest in the promise and peace He has for you. This will add to your growth as you walk with Him.

love is satisfied in God

Too often people think money, fame, accomplishments, or power will make them happy. Whenever we feel low on happiness, we often think it’s because of something we want but don’t have. We don’t realize that God did not create things on earth that can satisfy us more than He does, even our spouses.

Every day you place expectations on your spouse. Sometimes they meet them, sometimes they don’t. But never will they be able to satisfy totally all the demands you ask of them, partly because some of your demands are unreasonable, and partly because your mate is only human.

  • Can your spouse give you inner peace? No. But God can.
  • Can your spouse enable you to be content no matter what life throws at you? No. But God can.

Only God can supply all your needs

So stop expecting someone or something to keep you functioning and fulfilled on a nonstop basis. Only God can supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus, as you learn to depend on Him – Philippians 4:19

Your need for love, intimacy, acceptance, peace, joy, and adequacy are real. But rather than trying to fill them by plugging into things that are unstable at best and are subject to change, plug into God instead. He’s the only one in your life who never changes. His faithfulness, truth, and promises to His children will always remain. That’s why you need to seek Him everyday.

Lose yourself in living and pleasing God

When you pursue happiness to earthly things, you end up missing God not being happy either. But when you lose yourself in the pursuit of living and pleasing Him, you not only get an intimate relationship with God, but He also gives you happiness as gravy on the side. The Bible says “delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalms 37:4. When you are seeking Him first, loving Him first, making your relationship with Him top priority, He promises to supply you with what you really need – which, actually, is all it really takes to satisfy you.

God is your every day supply … of everything you need.

Did you like Love is Satisfied in God – Day 21 Of The Love Dare 40 Day Challenge?  Let me know what you think.  And if you missed any of the other days, check out the The Love Dare series here, where I’m going through the 40 days myself.  Much love 🙂

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