20 Foods To Avoid After Age 50

20 foods you should never touch over age 50

Foods You Should Never Touch If You’re Over 50

20 Foods To Avoid After Age 50.  Have you noticed the few subtle changes happening to your body once you hit age 50?  I have.  My metabolism slowed down, my muscles relaxed a lot, my weight changed, and I’m not able to digest certain foods like I used to. 

As a woman over 50 I now have to really pay attention to my diet – specifically these 20 foods to avoid after age 50, watch those calories a bit more closely, and eat less food with added sugar or a lot of solid fats – BUMMER, HUH?  Sure it is – but if I don’t pay attention to what I eat, I run the risk of diabetes, obesity, a heart attack, and a stroke. 

Yup, these tend to happen more often as we age – something that will be in our future IF WE DON’T MAKE AN EFFORT TO EAT THE RIGHT FOODS AND STAY A HEALTHY WEIGHT.

So what does this mean?  It simply means EAT RIGHT and ELIMINATE THE FOODS that are bad for you and are responsible for unnecessary amounts of added sugar, saturated fat, and sodium.  And yes I know, gathering the information and doing the research can become a little overwhelming.  But no worries – I’ve compiled the 20 FOODS TO AVOID AFTER AGE 50 list below – done for you right there.  

Now there’s no excuse – time to ditch the unhealthy foods and start eating right.  Enjoy my friends and let me know if there are any other foods to add to this list.  CIAO – 🙂

20 Foods To Avoid After Age 50


  1. ALCOHOL IN EXCESS – vs moderate drinking.  Once you hit a certain age alcohol begins to affect you differently.  Your tolerance may get lower as well as your reaction time.  And if you’re taking medication, you may have a reaction when you combine them with alcohol.  Studies indicating that moderate drinkers are less likely to die from a form of heart disease than are people who never drink any alcohol.  However keep in mind that alcohol in excess may also worsen specific age-related conditions such as osteoporosis, diabetes, high blood pressure, and ulcers. So just keep the bevvies to a minimum
  2. BACON – all those bad fats and salt packed into strips of bacon are worse for you once you reach a certain age as it raises your risk of heart disease and stroke.  I know, everyone loves their bacon – so have a strip once in a blue moon if you must have some20 foods you should never touch over age 50 - bacon
  3. BUTTER – cut back on saturated fats like butter, whole milk and cheese as you can lower your cholesterol and risk a heart disease.  Try replacing butter with olive oil.  And definitely no MARGARINE, which should be eliminated entirely due to its fatty acid content, as it raises LDL’s (bad cholesterol) levels and lower HDL (good cholesterol) levels, and leads to heart disease which is the leading cause of death for people over age 65.  Even by age 50, the walls of the heart grow thicker, and the valves grow more rigid. So avoid any foods containing trans fatty acids.
  4. CHERRIES –  we know they’re packed with anti-inflammatory properties and loads of antioxidants, but they’re also packed with sugar, which is a big do not eat sign if your blood sugar is an issue.  Plus, eating too many cherries can cause upset stomach, nausea, and bloating.20 foods you should never touch over age 50 - cherries
  5. CHICKEN SKIN – always eat your chicken without the skin, especially if you’re watching your cholesterol and trying to lose weight, as the skin of a chicken is loaded with a ton of fat.
  6. COFFEE –  caffeine leads to a “pituitary adrenocortical response,” which raises the level of the hormone cortisol which has been found to thin the skin, cause wrinkles, and dullness.  And drinking too much coffee may actually accelerate the wrinkling process.  Just drink coffee in moderation.
  7. DELI MEATS – which are usually loaded with sodium, fat and chemical preservatives, can raise your risk for certain cancers.  Try replacing your sandwich meats with skinless chicken.  This goes for CURED MEATS too – like hot dogs, bacon and pepperoni which are loaded with sodium.  And if you’re a postmenopausal woman, then you are especially susceptible to weakened bone density and osteoporosis, conditions irritated by high intake of salt.
  8. FRIED FOOD – foods that are high in fat, such as fried foods, tend to remain in the stomach much longer than other types of food.  As people age their stomachs empty more slowly, and by eating fried foods they will increase their risk of getting acid reflux and heartburn.   Fried foods also weaken the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) the muscle that prevents acid and stomach contents from moving backward into the esophagus.20 foods you should never touch over age 50 - fried foods
  9. FROZEN VEGETABLES IN STEAM BAGS – just keep an eye on whats in your frozen veggie bag as the pre-packed bags contain ingredients like creams, sauces, and salt
  10. GRAPES – just like cherries, the carbohydrate and sugar content in these tiny little fruits is high and can make weight loss difficult.
  11. HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP (HFC) – eating foods that contain HFC will accelerate a slowing metabolism, which you really don’t want because your metabolism is what produces energy – we all need energy to stay active.  This has been verified by The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition – high-fructose corn syrup may lead to increased obesity rates because of its negative effects on metabolism.  So in other words – don’t consume anything that contains HFC.
  12. HIGH PROCESSED CARBOHYDRATES – white flour, sugar, cakes, and pastas spike our blood sugar and leads to an over production of insulin, which increases the risk of developing adult-onset diabetes. Research also shows that refined carbs also links to higher instances of depression.
  13. ICE CREAM –  as you age, constipation (which can be remedied with fiber and water) is usually an issue due to the slowing of digested material through the large intestine.  And unfortunately ice cream has a high fat content, loads of lactose, and absence of any dietary fiber – making it difficult for your your gastrointestinal tract to process.20 foods you should never touch over age 50 - ice cream
  14. PASTRIES –  if you want to keep your weight down, avoid pastries to limit your sugar intake and to keep your blood sugar levels in check.  And especially avoid them at breakfast as you’ll end up with a late morning sugar crash which will make you crave unhealthy foods throughout the rest of the day.
  15. PICKLES –  it’s important to cut down on foods that can raise your blood pressure as high blood pressure is a real health concern as we get older. One of the biggest culprits is salt. And unfortunately one pickle is loaded with over 1,000 milligrams of sodium – so seriously think about ditching them
  16. POTATOES – a real starchy food that is high on the glycemic index.  And when you add all the extra’s to it you’re also adding to your waistline and raising your insulin levels as well.  Eat a bare one if you really must have a potato.
  17. POTATO CHIPS – are nothing more that processed starch covered in blood pressure raising salt.  And no one can eat just one, which in the long run will make you gain weight.  Ditch the chips !!20 foods you should never touch over age 50 - chips
  18. SODA – Try to cut the soda habit out of your life completely as soda is just bad bad bad for you.  Even more so if you’re a diabetic – as the sugar rush from a soda will send your blood sugar into a tailspin, leaving your with an insulin surge that will cause inflammation.
  19. SOY – your estrogen and testosterone hormones start declining in your 50’s and foods that contain soy meal, soy protein isolate, or soy oil can throw off your hormonal balance. So steer clear of them.  Keep in mind fermented soy products don’t cause the same issues – so you’re good to go with tofu, soy sauce and miso
  20. WINE (IN EXCESS) – red wine in moderation is good for you, but many glasses in one sitting will just overwhelm your organs.  Then there’s the sugar issue in wine.  As you get older sugar interrupts sleep patterns – so if you have multiple glasses of wine, the sugar will have you tossing and turning all night.  You know how people say “I can’t drink like I used to?”  Well the sugar is one of the reasons why.20 foods you should never touch over age 50 - wine in excess

So I hope you’ve found this to be informative.  If you have anything to add or would like to comment on the list, please let me know.  Best wishes to you all and cheers to your good health !!

Looking for more ways to keep your body in check?  Click this HEALTH TIPS link for more tips along with some healthy recipes I’ve made.

20 foods to avoid after age 50

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