10+ Ways To Brighten Someone’s Day

How To Brighten Other People’s Day
“You can heal a sad heart and make someone’s day with only a smile”
Stir Up Positive Energy By Brightening Up Someone’s Day
Do you know that when you brighten someone’s day, you are simultaneously stirring up positive energy within yourself … and you’ll carry this energy throughout the day. Believe it or not, simple acts of kindness – which are here in my 10+ Ways To Brighten Someone’s Day – not only helps others but you as well. This is so good to know as I came from the “big city”, where you learn how to just buckle down, don’t make eye contact, and just keep moving. If you do say hi to some random person as your walking down the street or in a store, they tend to think you’re crazy or you want something from them.
But now that I’m living in a smaller town, I find that just about everyone I meet gives a smile, say’s good morning or good day, holds the door for you, regardless if they know you or not. It’s these little acts of kindness that can make a bad day disappear – or at least for the time being. And for friends and relations, ways to brighten their day goes a little deeper, but yet doesn’t have to be expensive either.
You know what they say when it comes to your health … “an apple a day helps keep the doctor away”; but when it comes to relationships, how about … “an act of kindness helps keep your friends and relations closer”. And just remember, when you brighten up someone else’s day, you can brighten up yours even more because making others smile has been proven to make you smile as well.
So here we go ….. this list started at 10, but I kept finding more. Cheers 🙂
10 + Ways To Brighten Someone’s Day
Studies have shown that the more you smile and laugh can not only cheer up those around you but can also improve your health by relieving stress, boosting your immune system and lowering your blood pressure. Smiling is contagious, so get grinning and lighten up that room!
As about a new hair or choice of outfit, or ask if they’ve lost weight or what they use for their skin. They may respond modestly, but they’ll be gleaming inside. Compliment the good work around you. Remind your friend that she’s doing a great job, or perhaps send your compliments to the chef.
Make A Joke
Make them laugh! A simple joke, no matter how silly it is, can boost someone’s mood. Alternatively, tell them a funny story that has happened to you or quote a popular television show you know they watch. Get animated!
Sing And Dance!
Think Singing In The Rain! Do a Gene Kelly and let your positive mood shine on those horrible bleak days. Stick on the radio while in the car or at work and sing-a-long to your favorite tunes. Even a little rhyme will boost everyone’s spirits.
Brew A Cup of Tea or Java
Tests have shown that tea has a relaxing effect reducing mental and physical stress as well as lifting spirits, energy and productivity, so put the kettle on. On the other hand, give them a taste of some calming herbal green or black tea. If tea’s not your thing, then brew up some java or a cappuccino and share, share, share.
Simply listening can help someone get their troubles off their chest, lifting their spirits and a load off their mind. Invite them over for a few hours, give them a relaxing, spirit lifting cup of tea, coffee or a glass of wine, and make them feel 100 times better…
Be Optimistic
If someone is in a foul mood, tell them how it will be better. If your friend is feeling down, combat every negative comment with a true positive one by themselves. Or as I like to say, REJECT ALL NEGATIVITY !! Soon they’ll be seeing things differently.
Send Them Some Mail
Whether it’s a Get Well Soon card if they’re feeling under the weather, a small hand written note wishing them a good day or a quick text asking how they are, let them know you care. Choose a quote you love and slip it in a library book, or send one out to an out-of-state relative to let them know you’re thinking about them.
Treat Them!
These doesn’t need to be extravagant. Maybe get them their favorite chocolate bar or a hot chocolate with extra marshmallows. A little something out of the ordinary will leave them regenerated and content. If its someone you don’t know, perhaps slip some quarters in a vending machine, the laundry mat, or a parking meter.
Bake Some Goodies
Bake a cake for a half-birthday. Taking the time to find out someone’s half-birthday, having the energy to bake a cake, and then the excitement to surprise them with it says a lot more about a friendship than just “Happy (Half) Birthday.” Plus, it’s fun, and you get cake.
Ask For Advice
It shows that you hold their opinion in high-esteem, and value their experiences. People tend to feel down about getting older, when we should really celebrate all they have to offer from it.
Introduce People
Get the business networks flowing, the cupid arrows going, or just make friends happen. It’s refreshing to connect with new people, so if you know two friends that would get along, send them in each other’s direction.
Use Someone’s Name
It feels good to hear someone use your name, so if you run in to an acquaintance on the way to work, use their name when you greet them. Or if your waiter introduces his or herself, use their name when you need something or thank them. It’s not only good manners, but it reminds people (especially in the service industry) that they are just that—people!
Pay For The Person Behind You
Whether you frequent the Starbuck’s drive-thru, or a fast food chain, you’ll pretty much always have someone behind you. They’re always waiting impatiently as you try to dig out the last ten cents for your fries. It happens every time! Pay it forward and you’re sure to surprise someone and brighten their day.
Set a Date
Remember that promise you made to so-and-so about fill in the blank way back when? Call them up and follow thru on your promise. When you set a date to do something, you are holding yourself accountable, and you know you won’t be able to avoid it when it comes up. When you surprise someone by doing the unexpected, well, we call that brightening someone’s day.
Call Them
Who haven’t you talked to in a while? Grandma? Your best friend who lives across the country? College roommate? Pick up the phone and give them a call. You don’t have to talk for hours; even a short catch-up is bound to bring some happiness to the both of you. Taking the time to sit down and call someone shows them you truly care, and what is more day-brightening than that?
So there you go – the 10 + Ways To Brighten Someone’s Day. Try one or two today and see how good it will make someone feel as well as yourself. Ciao – 🙂
Sources: A Brand New You, A Girls Guide, The Examiner