Super Immune Boosting Smoothie

Raspberry and Pineapple Immune Boosting Smoothie
Super Immune Boosting Smoothie. Prepare yourself for the upcoming cold and flu season by boosting your immune system with this delicious smoothie. It’s packed with all the necessary vitamins and nutrients needed to help fight infections while helping to keep your body strong.
And if you’ve already been hit with a cold or flu – I get it, you probably don’t feel like eating. But now is the time to get those crucial immune-boosting nutrients into your body. So instead of eating – drink up. And start with this Super Immune Boosting Smoothie – your body will seriously thank you.
Banana – are soft, nutritious fruits that are easy to swallow and gentle on your throat. They also contain Vitamin C to help your body fight infections, along with B6 and Magnesium
Pineapple – is the ultimate natural flu fighter as it contains the anti-inflammatory enzyme bromelain which helps boost your immune system and fight against colds and flu in winter
Raspberry – high in fiber; are a great source of Vitamin C – which helps clean blood cells to fight viruses; rich in flavonoid and phenolic compounds which have one of the highest antioxidant activity in most fruits
Ginger – has powerful antiviral and antibacterial properties; is a great antioxidant-rich food that can help combat inflammation and keep your immune system healthy
Kale – contains high levels of vitamin C for a powerful antioxidant punch and helps fight off infection and regenerate other antioxidants in the body; is a nutrition superstar as it contains high amounts of vitamins A, K, B6 and C, calcium, potassium, copper and manganese
Coconut Milk – has antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties which help soothe the pain and irritation of a sore throat; also contains a variety of minerals including manganese, copper, selenium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, and B12
MCT Oil – contains medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs) that act as natural antibiotics, which means they boost your immune system and fight off harmful bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa; also contain antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and thermogenic properties
Reishi Mushroom – king of Traditional Chinese Medicine; loaded with antibacterial and anti-viral properties, which is perfect for battling the common cold and flu
So grab the ingredients, give them a good whirl in your blender, and enjoy this delicious smoothie today. Ciao and bottoms up to your good health 🙂
Super Immune Boosting Smoothie
Super Immune Boosting Smoothie
thank you the Newspaper Archives for the recipe base
1 Banana, frozen
½ c Pineapple, chunks
½ c Raspberries, frozen
¼ 1 large knob of fresh Ginger, peeled minced, or 1 tsp Powdered Ginger
1 c Kale
½ c Coconut Milk
1 tsp MCT Oil
1 tbls Reishi Powder
Place all ingredients in your blender, and blend until smooth. For a thicker consistency, add ice and blend again.