7 Reason’s Why You Should Grow Your Own Vegetables. Growing your own fruits and vegetables is something all kids should be taught in school and something EVERYONE should know as they enter the grown up world – how to become self reliant and self-sufficient. Let’s face it- homegrown fruits and vegetables are of better quality and taste better, they’re fresh and haven’t been coated with wax (carnauba wax, beeswax, and shellac – which is used to prevent moisture loss, protection from bruising, and to increase shelf life at the store), YOU CAN BE ASSURED THERE ARE NO CHEMICALS IN YOUR FOOD since you are the one growing them, you’ll save tons of money at the grocery store, AND it gets you outside so you can soak up that Vitamin D and get you moving … as in exercise !! It’s all a win/win here.
So what are the 7 Reason’s You Should Grow Your Own Food?
- QUALITY & FLAVOR – homegrown vegetables are just more flavorable
- YOU’LL EAT MORE FRUITS & VEGETABLES – guaranteed you’ll be in the garden eating fresh off the vine and you’ll use every veggie with your meals. And why? Because they’re tasty and free.
- AVOID CHEMICALS – you control how you deal with pests, disease and fertilizers, not corporate sprays
- SAVE’S YOU MONEY – think about it. A pack of lettuce seeds contains hundreds of lettuce seeds, which costs about as much as a single head of lettuce. Boom – right there !!
- EXERCISE & VITAMIN D – preparing beds, weeding, mulching and harvesting gets you moving outside.
- THE VEGETABLES ARE FRESH – consider the store produce has been sitting in a truck for days if not longer and then on the grocery store shelves, whereas yours are straight from the garden
Once you learn how to prepare your beds … start your plants … which vegetables are the easiest to grow … where they should be grown in the garden … which ones can be grown next to each other … what nutrients they need … and how much water they need – this is a skill set you’ll never forget and can be relied upon for years and years to come. This may seem like a lot to learn before plopping a seed in the ground, but trust me – it’s not hard.
I’ve had a vegetable garden all my adult life. I started small with a little corner area in my yard, advanced to a nice 20×20 plot, moved and inherited close to a 100 square foot fenced in orchard with garden rows, and today I have 2 huge fenced areas. But truth be told, over the past couple years my gardens have gone from spectacular to a weedy mess. Maybe because I started working again and didn’t have the time, maybe because we now have 2 large gardens instead of just the one (the one was my solace area), maybe because I was feeling a bit resentful as it’s only ME out there preparing, planting, and weeding, maybe because it was always a constant battle between me and the gophers – I JUST BECAME OVERWHELMED.
But after this coronavirus scare and the social distancing period, and watching my pantry run low on food along with the Big Box Store shelves being bare of necessities, it was pretty much a wake up call for me to get back into growing our own food again.
So here I start – basically from scratch again. I’m going to document how I’ve gone from dirt to plate over the next few months. Stick around and see how easy it is (with trial and errors of course) and then what you can do with all the vegetables you’ve grown, with recipes and canning suggestions. This right here WILL BE my happy day – when I see the tomatoes growing a plenty – then I’ll know it was all worth it.
Good luck and let’s start growing 🙂

This is actually part of our plan now. We need to grow our own because it is so expensive nowadays. It’s also safer to grow your own.
This is actually part of our plan now. We need to grow our own because it is so expensive nowadays.
YES! I fully agree. We started our veggie garden this past year and I have zero regrets.
Super useful information to be sharing! I definitely learned a lot, thank you for posting about this.
I agree with you that it is about time we grow our own vegetables. Aside from the savings, we get the peace of mind that it’s chemical-free and healthy.
I would love to grow my own vegetables, it is healthier and feels good…I wish i had a small garden.
I have small garden here at home. We have chili, corn, pumpkin, bananas and short time period vegetables. Being able to grow food without pesticides and eat it straight from the garden is superior in every way , and nothing tastes quite like fresh, homegrown vegetables
I love planting so much that I don’t need reasons to do it Hehe. Nice article.