50Friendly Blog

What Would You Do If You Won The Lottery

What Would You Do If You Won The Lottery

Have you ever dreamed about winning the lottery?  And what you would do with all that money. NOT ONE individual needs HUNDREDS of millions of dollars (and I emphasize ONE individual as owning a business with employees is totally different).  But if you, as a 

Sharing My Proudest Moment(s)

Sharing My Proudest Moment(s)

Wow – this was a pretty hard question to answer as I have a few proud moments in my life. I don’t know if the birth of children count but I’m going to start with my children – first time was on October 20th, 1985, 

8 Evidence Based Nutritional Tips for Healthier Eating

8 Evidence Based Nutritional Tips for Healthier Eating

How to Adapt to Healthier Eating with These 8 Tips

Who Is Your Celebrity Crush

Who Is Your Celebrity Crush

When you have a crush on a famous someone and you know you’ll never have a chance with them – it’s called a CELEBRITY CRUSH.   Going along with day 11 of my 31 day blog plan, this posting is just meant to be fun and 

Motivational Monday Affirmation – The Serenity Prayer

Motivational Monday Affirmation – The Serenity Prayer

Circa 1972 – This was my dads favorite prayer as it helped him live one step at a time, one day at a time. And whenever I feel like I’m losing control of my life, I say this prayer and it helps calm me – 

3 Ways To Move On From Regrets

3 Ways To Move On From Regrets

I wish … what if … maybe someday … “According to research at Concordia University in Montreal, the emotional distress of regrets can disrupt your hormonal and immune systems, particularly if you are 65 or older, which can lead to colds, headaches — or worse.” 

10 Favorite American Foods of All Time – Survey says

10 Favorite American Foods of All Time – Survey says

This post was suppose to be about my favorite 5 foods to eat, but as I was writing I noticed alot of my picks were the same as the rest of Americas.  And so I’ll say this – Hello America … we definitely know how 

Carving Your Own Destiny

Carving Your Own Destiny

One of my favorite childhood memories … When I was young my dream was to become either a movie star or a model – probably because of all the beautiful women I’d see on the television. I loved watching the beauty pageants with my mom 

The Power Of Prayer

The Power Of Prayer

Jesus taught, “…I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you”.  Remember when you prayed for the things 

How To Become A Morning Person

How To Become A Morning Person

Are you a morning person or a night person, or as social scientists call them … LARKS – those who are up and doing early in the morning and OWLS – those who are most alert at night. Studies have been done on which type 

When You Love Yourself First

When You Love Yourself First

Why I started this blog and how I chose the name 50Friendly.com Seeing I am now well into my 50’s, I decided to make some big changes in my life. I have been a stay at home mom for the past 33+ years and have 

The Power and Purpose of Affirmations

The Power and Purpose of Affirmations

A daily affirmation is a simple statement that defines you as you want to be and helps you to maintain a positive and peaceful state of mind. Every time you write the daily affirmation, you prime your brain to start building this belief in your 

Wheat and Gluten Free Thai Chicken and Spaghetti Squash Noodles

Wheat and Gluten Free Thai Chicken and Spaghetti Squash Noodles

30 Minute Thai Chicken Meal – from Pan to Plate

Blog Planning – 31 Days Of Content

Blog Planning – 31 Days Of Content

So you took the first steps – made the decision to start a blog, found a niche you’re passionate about, chose a blog name, signed up with a host, and laid out your page(s) using their templates. And now you’re sitting at your keyboard wondering 

Side Hustles – Motivation Monday 1/27/20

Side Hustles – Motivation Monday 1/27/20

Are you looking to add a little extra something to your wallet?  Or maybe thinking about starting a side hustle to earn a residual income?  Or maybe you’re looking to start a home based business, one that’s going to make you some serious money?  Trust 

Be Thankful For The Grace Of Existence – Super Soul Sunday

Be Thankful For The Grace Of Existence – Super Soul Sunday

This says it all right here – have a blessed Sunday

Adidas Cloudfoam Best Running / Workout Shoes

Adidas Cloudfoam Best Running / Workout Shoes

Looking for a good COMFORTABLE running workout shoe?  The ADIDAS CLOUDFOAM PURE SHOES are cushioned knit shoes designed specifically for women and they are simply the best – I can attest as I own a pair. These adidas running-inspired shoes feature a foot-hugging knit upper 

3 Foods To Boost your Mind, Mood and Overall Well Being

3 Foods To Boost your Mind, Mood and Overall Well Being

Add these healthy foods to your diet and watch your mood and your mind change for the better

Make Today About You – Motivation Monday 1/20/20

Make Today About You – Motivation Monday 1/20/20

It’s a start of a new week and new opportunities. Don’t let what you didn’t accomplish yesterday define what you will achieve today