5 Must Have Vitamins and Supplements for Women Over 50

Which Vitamins and Supplements Should Women Over 50 Be Taking
5 Must Have Vitamins and Supplements for Women Over 50. We’ve all heard “take your vitamins” as we were growing up. Something I’m sure all or parents thought would stick with us as we got older. But I think because we as women, always take care of others before taking care of ourselves, we tend to forget our health is just as important as theirs. And speaking for myself – my health had been totally neglected over the past 30 years.
I will say tho my overall health has been pretty good – no diseases, no broken bones, no “conditions” – I’ve been blessed over the years. Yes I’ve had some whoppers of the flu – the kids would come home with a cold and of course I would catch it too. A few days later they’d be better, back doing their thing, and I’d be on my death bed (exaggerating of course) as my cold would last for weeks if not months. Why was that? Because they’d take their vitamins every morning and I didn’t.
I cringe when I think of all the OTC medicines I would have in our bathroom cabinet – just for me – Nyquil, Robitussin, sinus medicines, antihistamine sprays, you name it and they were there. One year I had a flu shot because I was going to beat the cold before winter – well it just made me sicker than a dog, of which non of these OTC medicines helped. I haven’t had a flu shot since.
When our last child left the house for college, that was when I really started paying attention to me – my health, what I was eating (I started growing alot of our foods), making my own tonics (see the link below) with the fruits from the bushes and trees deciduous to Washington State, taking vitamins and supplements, and exercising (well that’s another story).
So this leads me to the 2 things I do to ensure I’m doing my part for my body and my heart. They say once you get in your 50’s there are certain vitamins you should be getting on a daily basis. This is done through the foods you eats, the liquids you drink, and the amount of sun you receive. But if you can’t get your vitamins through these natural sources, then that’s where the supplements come in. So which supplements and vitamins should you be taking in your 50’s?
The 5 Must Have Vitamins and Supplements for Women Over 50

VITAMIN D and CALCIUM – needed for for good bone health. Usually after menopause women become vulnerable to bone loss, which is due to the decline in estrogen in your body. Vitamin D also reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes, asthma, allergy and inflammation. Low levels of Vitamin D are linked to osteoporosis, diabetes, hypertension, hypoglycemia, rheumatoid arthritis and depression. How can you get your necessary Vitamin D and Calcium?
FOODS RICH IN VITAMIN D are: milk, juice, cereal, cheese, egg yolks, beef liver, mackerel, and tuna, fatty fish
FOR CALCIUM – cheese, yogurt, milk and figs, fortified cereals, salty fish, broccoli and kale, nuts and nut butters, beans and lentils
SUPPLEMENTS – Vitamin D is available in two forms, D2 (ergocalciferol) and D3 (cholecalciferol). Choose a vitamin D supplement that includes calcium, or choose a multivitamin supplement that includes both.

OMEGA-3 FATTY ACIDS – are essential nutrients that are important in preventing and managing heart disease – they help reduce plaque buildup in arteries, keep blood sugar levels balanced, and help prevent inflammation.
FOODS RICH IN OMEGA-3 FATTY ACIDS are: albacore tuna, salmon, mackerel, lake trout, herring, sardines, walnuts, edamame, flaxseed oil
SUPPLEMENTS – fish oil is the best. Most women should take 1 gram daily

PRIOBIOTICS – as you get older your gut becomes more susceptible to unhealthy bacteria. Probiotics are made up of good bacteria that helps keep your body healthy and working well. This good bacteria helps you in many ways, including fighting off bad bacteria when you have too much of it, helping you feel better.
FOODS WITH PROBIOTICS – yogurt, dark chocolate, kefir, kimchi
SUPPLEMENTS – chose one that is a raw probiotic, and contains a high bacteria CFU between 50 and 85 billion, and includes other types of bacteria like L. acidophilus and Bifidobacterium

VITAMIN B-12 – helps your metabolism, red blood cell formation, and neurological function. If you have a severe deficiency, it can cause anemia, fatigue, weakness and peripheral neuropathy. Contains folate, which is needed to look healthy
VITAMIN B-6 – reduce a woman’s risk of heart disease by helping to keep homocysteine levels low. B6 is also associated with reducing PMS symptoms
FOODS WITH B VITAMINS – breakfast cereals, whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and Vitamin B12 is found exclusively in meat, fish and milk.
SUPPLEMENTS – Folate, which is a water-soluble B Vitamin, rich in food sources such as spinach and asparagus leaves, and cantaloupe. Need a supplement that provides 400 micrograms daily

LUTEIN – for AREDS, Age-Related Eye Disease. Lutein is an antioxidant that concentrates in the eyes to help protect them against free radical destruction and resulting age-related macular degeneration, which is common among older women. If you have a family history of age-related macular degeneration, then you really need to take your Lutein.
FOODS WITH LUTEIN – dark-green leafy vegetables (such as spinach) as well as in various fruits, corn and egg yolks.
SUPPLEMENT – should include 6 mg to 10 mg of the antioxidant
A daily multivitamin is not the end all to optimal health, but they can help provide a good foundation. Make sure your vitamin includes the following ingredients:
7 Ingredients Your Multivitamin Should Have
Vitamin D – 800 IU
Magnesium – 300-320 mg
Calcium – 1,000 mg
Zinc – 5-10 mg
Iron – 18 mg
Folate – 400 mcg
Vitamin B-12 – 1 to 2 mcg
And in addition to your multi-vitamin, make sure you also get your daily supplements mentioned above.
So there you have it – The 5 Must Have Vitamins and Supplements for Women Over 50. Please consider taking them along with your multi-vitamin every day so you can live healthy and free from diseases and conditions. Do all that you can and the good Lord will do the rest. Peace and please come back tomorrow where I’ll provide the best supplements at the best prices.